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The ERL will continue to perform on-site and off-site water quality testing in the manner <br />required by the MPCA permit. "I'he on-site monitoring wells shall meet current <br />Department of Health Well Code Standards. ERL will annually sample the individual <br />private wells identified in the Phase IV Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan required by <br />Section 4(05) of the approved CUP. A Water Quality Report shall be submitted to the <br />City when it is submitted to the MPCA. <br />Leachate <br />ERL will continue'to either maintain backup pumps for use in the event of pump failure <br />on-site, or ERL will maintain provisions for restoring temporary leachate pumping within <br />a 24-hour period and adhere to the current "Leachate Management Plan" as approved by <br />MPCA. <br />The ERL pumps the existing leachate tanks on a regular schedule. Leachate will not be <br />allowed to collect on the liner to a depth exceeding one foot due to the leachate-holding <br />tank being full. <br />The facility is approved to recirculation leachate. Remedies for problems arising from <br />leachate recirculation include, but are not limited to, the cessation of leachate <br />recirculation and reverting back to traditional leachate treatment. <br />Phase IV Water Quality Monitoring Worlc Plan and Hydro~eolo~ic Retorts <br />The Phase IV Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan describes the sampling frequency, <br />parameters, protocols and reporting frequency for Landfill gas, leachate, leachate <br />piezometers, leachate, lysimeter, residential wells, groundwater monitoring wells and <br />surface water will be updated annually to reflect changes in the monitoring systems. <br />The investigation of the hydrological and geophysical characteristics of the site will be <br />continued and any other new information relating to the hydrogeologic impact of the s ite <br />will be reported to the City. 1-Iydrogeologic reports will be updated, amended, and <br />T:10742\I40(\Cii~~AppFeb\PE- Repon_final (2).Joc ~-n <br />