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~ .. <br />13 years ~ ? 9 <br />~ hears per 1 <br />5.8~ <br />a eriod <br /> <br />14-18 years 20 6.15 hours per <br />a eriod <br /> <br />19 + years 25 7.69 hours per <br />a period <br />Regular part-time employees accrue paid vacation under this schedule on a pro rata basis. <br />Temporary and seasonal employees are not eligible for paid vacation. <br />Employees must request time off for vacation as far in advance as feasible. When <br />possible, employees will be granted vacation time of their choice. However this time is <br />subject to the operating needs of theta ilities. <br />Vacation days accrue each pay period as shown in the table above. Paid vacation may be <br />taken as soon as it is accrued. Accrual rates change, as applicable, on an employee's <br />anniversary date. Example: If an employee's start date was July 1, 2000, the new <br />accrual rate would start July 1, 2004. <br />Unused vacation days may be carried over from year-to-year, but only to a limited extent, <br />as follows. Unused vacation carryover will be limited to the number of hours accrued <br />during the previous year. Accrued vacation days beyond the carryover limit are lost. For <br />example, if an employee with 2 years of service has accrued but not used 15 vacation <br />days on his or her anniversary date, he or she will. only be permitted to carryover 10 days <br />to the next year. <br />Employees who voluntarily end their employment and who give the TT T tilities <br />proper (generally at least two-weeks) notice shall be paid out for earned but unused <br />vacation time as of the date of separation. Employees involuntarily terminated by the <br />TT T tilitie for any reason other than lack of work shall not be paid out any unused <br />vacation time. <br />~~,, 1PAID SICI{ LEAVE <br />Regular full-time employees accrue sick leave at the rate of 3.69 hours per pay period <br />(approximately 8 hours per month). Regular part-time employees accrue sick leave pro <br />rata based on the full-time accrual rate. Temporary and seasonal employees are not <br />eligible for sick leave. <br />Sick leave may be used for illness and doctor visits for the employee or the employee's <br />child or another eligible dependent or his/her spouse. To be "another eligible dependent" <br />under this policy an individual must have same residence address as the employee and <br />must receive substantially all of his or her financial support from the employee. <br />30 <br />