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Documentation from a health care provider may be requested by the lytTtilities in its <br />Sol? dicC!'et1Or!, C!Ck laa~iP is a priy~ilege and migi!Se may rest±lt in d!scipli_nary action. <br />Sick leave may also be used for up to five (5) days in a calendar month for instances of <br />serious illness or surgery of family members who may- not live with the employee. <br />Employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor at least thirty (;~) minutes <br />prior to the start of their regular working hours if they intend to be absent from work. If <br />an emergency prevents the employee from notifying hisiher supervisor at such time, the <br />employee is expected to call as soon as possible during the work day. Employees are <br />also required to keep their supervisors informed of their condition and anticipated return <br />to work. <br />An employee attempting to use sick time for reasons other than those explicitly permitted <br />in this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. <br />A doctor's note shall be required if an employee is absent more than four (4) days or if <br />abuse of sick leave is suspected by the employee's immediate supervisor, a <br />L-I~1-its} tilities manager, or the Human Resources Representative. In some <br />circumstances, an employee may be requested to submit to a medical examination by a <br />physician or medical facility licensed to practice medicine. In such a circumstance, the <br />yUtilities may select the physician and facility that will conduct the examination. <br />Unused sick leave will not be paid out in wages upon termination of employment, but is <br />subject to the Health Care Savings Plan policy found elsewhere in this handbook. <br />~~ PAID HOLIDAYS <br />Regular full-time employees will be paid for eight (8) hours at their base wage rate for <br />each of the following holidays: <br />Nevv Years Day <br />Martin Luther King Day <br />Presidents Day <br />Memorial Day <br />Independence Day <br />Labor Day <br />I~eterans Day <br />Thanksgiving Day <br />Friday following Thanksgiving Day <br />Christmas Eve Day <br />Christmas Dav <br />Eligible part-time employees will receive paid holidays on the same basis as regular full- <br />time employees, except that holiday pay will be pro-rated according to the number of <br />hours worked. <br />If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed. If the holiday <br />falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday. Employees will <br />not receive holiday pay for any holiday that falls during any leave of absence. <br />31 <br />