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b ~ ~ Emnlo~•ees <br />are classified ~~accordin<T to the following definitions: <br />Regular Full-Time Employee. A regular full-time employee typically works 40 <br />or more hours per week, and is not classified as a temporary worker. <br />Regular Part-Time Employee. A regular part-time employee typically- works <br />fewer than 40 hours per week, and is not classified as a temporary worker, <br />Regular Field Worker. An emnl yee whose regular assigned nc~Sit;nn ;n~nl. P~ <br />verfotmma a si<~nificant portion of his or her work outside of the Utilities' <br />nhvstcal tactlthes <br />Exempt Employee An employee whose duties result in exclusion of the <br />emnlovee s_ work from coverave under the minimum wage and/or_ overtime <br />provtstons of the wage and hour laws <br />Non-Exempt Employee. An emnlovee whose duties result in c ~erave of the <br />employee s work under the mtntmum wage and/or overtime provisions of the <br />wage and hour laws_ <br />Utilities Manager Anv employee of the T 1r;1;r~PC nr nthar ;,,.a• ',a t ',a •r ~ <br />- ---- - - ----~•-• ..• auui v iu ual IuCLLLIllCU <br />by the Commission who is a Uttltttes su ervisor su erintendent mana17er <br />director, representative or other individual who is generally identified to <br />employees by Utilrties noltcv nracttce or communication as ha~in~ manaverial <br />suner~ tsot-v or admtntstrattve authority to act on behalf of the Utilities regardless <br />of whether such authorrtv ts-limited or subject to the authority of thers in the <br />Uttltties or~antzattonal structure. <br />Temporary Worker. A temporary worker typically is hired for a specific period <br />of time. Generally, temporary workers are hired as interim replacements, to <br />supplement the work force, and/or to assist with specific projects. Temporary <br />workers often will be informed of an estimated duration of their assignment, <br />although either the worker or the UyUtilities may end the work relationship at <br />any time. Temporary work that continues beyond an estimated duration in no <br />way implies a change in the worker's status. Temporary workers retain their <br />temporary status unless and until they are specifically notified by the <br />~iUtilities of a change. <br />~~?. TIME REPORTING POLICY <br />General Policy <br />The goal of the time reporting system is the accurate and timely reporting of time worked <br />(by job or account) and time off (by category). This is essential for (1) ensuring labor <br />23 <br />