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llownrown 1'arl;ing Focus Croup <br />l~ebruar~~ 12, ?007 <br />1'agc 2 of 3 <br />• There is interest from some do~vnto~vn businesses to pay (or have employees pajr) Eor <br />the benefit of being able to perk closer to their business. <br />• There remains concern among some downtown businesses about the safer}- of <br />employees crossuig I-iighway 14 for parking, and safety concerns for employees who <br />work evening shifts and have to walk to remote parking areas. The group discussed <br />the following options to address these concerns: <br />• Evening shift employees being able to move their vehicles closer after a certain hour <br />• IIaring parking tagging/enforcement end by a certain hour, e.g. Anoka ends G:00 p.m. <br />• Installuig safet}= devices (cameras in lots, blue emergency call posts) <br />• Install blinking lights on Highway ld warning drivers of oncoming "red light" to slow <br />traffic, better timing of the Highway 10 signals to allow more time for pedestrian <br />crossing, constructing a pedestrian bridge, install stoplight at Lowell & I-I~~~}r 10 to <br />slow traffic. <br />• An understanding drat evening and weekend demand will be the highest ~vidt ne~v <br />residents, visitors and businesses, and park activities. <br />• i1t this tune the business tnis for die new developments are general retail, <br />office/seLVice. No heati~~ traffic/puking businesses have been proposed }'et, due to <br />available parking concerns. <br />• Agreement that the current 3 and 4-hour parking time limits are too long for most <br />businesses and customers. Instead it is being abused b}'some emplo}'ees moving <br />tlieir vehicles. According to Cluef Beahen's research, most cities have 90-tzunute to 2- <br />hour time limit tna.~ixnums. Agreement that 2-hour parking on-sweet would work, <br />along with a few 3-hour stalls near the beauty shops for dzeir spa clients. <br />• Use of north I Iighway 10 parking lots makes die most economic sense, is closest and <br />has the most available parking, if safety modifications can be made. It was noted that <br />die safe[~= modifications to die IVlain Street & I-I~vq 10 intersection made a definite <br />improvement. <br />• The Bank oFElk River will be relieving some demand on die Ding Ave. parking lot <br />employee permit area in the nest week when the Bank's lot is completed. It is <br />estimated dus will relieve 20 employee stalls, wide approaitnately '12 employee pernuts <br />remaining. <br />• Discussion about the option of shared private parking during closed busazess hours <br />{evenings & weekends) - primarih}' «dd~ The Bank of Ells River and I~'irst National <br />Bank of Elk River. )Main concern by prit*ate parlang owners is that residents of ne~v <br />developments tna}' use die spaces, and issues ~vid~ how to best manage and patrol. <br />• Members were encouraged to look at oilier downtowns for how die}' handle <br />employee parking. Chief Beahen distributed a recent article about downtown Fargo, <br />ND reinstating parking meters due to etnplo}'ees abusing d1e free parking and moving <br />caxs to beat die time litrtits. <br />• Currently over 300 etnphoyee parking permits have been issued for die SO employee <br />designated stalls in the Itiirtg Ave parking lot. The group needs to identih' what the <br />priority is for parking -employee or customer. Downtown Ellti River is unique uritl~ <br />this of office (empoo}eee demanded) and destination retail (customer demanded), this <br />makes the solutions more challenging. Now we will be adding a 3'~ dynanuc to tnis - <br />residential. <br />• Vern Hanson offered to communicate to their residents drat overflow resident & <br />guest parking is available in the parking lots taoxth of I Tighway 10 and this would work <br />