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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER <br />DOWNTOWN PARKING FOCUS GROUP <br />HELD AT UPPER TOWN CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL <br />MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2007 <br />D~Iembers Present: Keith I Iolme, Larry Toth, Tamara ilckerman, Bill Moulton, Jeff Krueger, <br />Pat D~v}'er, Dave Rymanowski, Vern I-Ianson, Denny ~V;ilsh <br />R~lembers ~bsenr. T~red McCoy, Nick Zenvas <br />Staff Present: Director of irconoinic Development Catherine Mehelich, Commuiuty <br />Development Director Scott Clark, Chief of Police)eEf Beahen <br />Introductions app Review Group Tasks <br />torus Group members were introduced to each other. 1~Is. Ivlehelich provided background <br />on die City Council's formation of die parking focus group and tasks being requested of the <br />group. She presented a worl: plan and meeting schedule to accomplish the following <br />requested tasks: <br />• Develop and recoirunend modifications to die citp's regulatory and acLiuiustrative <br />pukuzg permit process (Phase I). <br />• Develop and recommend policies for transition of employee parking to the periphery <br />of (Phase II). <br />• Develop analysis and reconunend policies for future consideration of parl~ing ramp <br />(Phase III). <br />She stated die expectation is For the group to provide a report and recommendation to the <br />Cit}~ Council as each tall: is completed and die recommendations for long-term parl:iig <br />solutions would also be considered by dae current Downtown Redevelopment flan <br />Tasl:force. <br />2. Background Information and tlssumptions <br />I4•Ir. Clark provided an overview of the November ?0, ?006 City Council meeting and the <br />assumptions which die Council accepted. <br />3. Discuss Current Parking Regulations and Permitting Process <br />I=ocus Group members stated die Following questions and concerns about die current <br />parking process: <br />Inquired about cost and capacity potential of dic various parkuig ramp design <br />options. I`~Ir. Clark stated drat an average cost for a puling ramp is S15,000 per stall. <br />Tuning of opening issuance of parking permits (in time for ne~v commercial tenants), <br />and what the broker can communicate to the prospects ui die meantune <br />No ne~v parking permits axe avlilable until modifications to the current p:ul~ing <br />regulations can be approved by Council (following recoriunendation by die Torus <br />Group). Chief Beahen stated employees can be p:ukuzg on-street u~ die peripheL~}~ <br />areas to die west of Lowell where there are no tune limits. <br />