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Downtown Parking Focus Group <br />l~cbruan~ 12, ?007 <br />PaSc 3 of 3 <br />for them since a high demand of overflow is not e~,pected. <br />• Long term parlsi~g considerations need to be identified earfier on in die next <br />redevelopment project/process. Future projects and the ciq=need to find a balance <br />behveen die code requirement on die number of pulsing stalls and what is realistic in <br />an urban/downtown ens=ironment. <br />• There is an opportunity now to create a better system if overnight and weekend <br />overflow parlang locations can be identified for busiiesses and residents upfront <br />rad~er than retraiziig. <br />• City and downtown stakeholders map need to revisit even= 3 or ~F months to check-il <br />on how the parking system is working as the new developments will go through a <br />series of evolutions with events, residents, new businesses and growth/success of <br />existing businesses. <br />• Existing businesses will need to recogtuze addressiig pulsing issues will require <br />retrainiig employee expectations, as long as we can communicate alternative locations <br />Eor deem to park and address their safety concerns. <br />Staff will be following up on many of the questions raised including the safety modification <br />options and beginning to outline a matriti indicating the ~=arious Phase II options to address <br />employee parking demands. <br />alt the next meetiug scheduled for A~Ionday, February 36~~' Cluef Beahen will be presentiig <br />proposed changes to the current parking regulations and permitting process. The group will <br />be asked to provide staff feedback on the proposed changes and to formalize a <br />recommendation to the City Council on proposed changes to die current system. I%eith <br />I-Iohne indicated he will be out of town For die next meeting. <br />Submitted by, <br />~j <br />Cad~erine Ivlehelich <br />Director of Lcononuc Develop~nent <br />