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Downtown Parking l~otu~ Group <br />1'~cbruar}' 2G, 2007 <br />Pagc 2 of 2 <br />Limit the maximum number of Bing revenue employee pulsing permits yet a rate not <br />to exceed 10% lugher than die available permitted spots (derived from St. Cloud <br />policy). According to Cluef I3eahen there are currently 270 permits drat have been <br />issued Eor 88 employee stalls in the Icing Ave lot. <br />I/mployee parking permits would be fee-based at a rate of S10 per mondz for the <br />benefit of parking ckoser. Alternative employee parking would be available at no <br />charge and no time limit (except for street cleaning purposes) on-street west of <br />Lowell & Main or in the cir3r lots north of I-Iighway 10. <br />Issues to be addressed yet include: <br />- Ho~v to issue the lunited number of permits (1 per business and rest on lottery? <br />Or fast-come, first-serve? <br />- I-Iow often to reissue permits to allow new businesses to apply (annual, semi- <br />annual or quarterly?) <br />3. Next Stens <br />Chief Beahen ~vi1l draft hvo options on how to issue limited number of emplo}'ee permits <br />for discussion at the next meeting. 1VIs.lvlehelich stated that at die next meeting staff will be <br />lookuig for die Focus Group to formalize a recommendation to dze City Council on <br />modifications to the p;uk:ing system. In addition tie group will begin to discuss options Eor <br />moving employee parking to die periphery (Phase II). <br />Submitted by, <br />Catherine ~-lehelich <br />Director oElrconomic Development <br />