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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER <br />DOWNTOWN PARKING FOCUS GROUP <br />HElD AT UPPER TOWN CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL <br />MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2007 <br />Alembers Present: Larry Todl, Nick Lenvas, Tamara Ackerman, Bill I-ioulton, Pat D~i~~er, <br />Dave Rylnanowsla, ~~ern I-Ianson, Denny ~\/alsh <br />A4embers Absent: Keidl I-Iolme, Fred IVIcCOy, Jeff Krueger <br />Staff Present: Director of Economic Development Catlleriile 1Vlehelicll, Colxunullit}r <br />Development Director Scott Clark, Cluef of Police Jeff $eahen <br />1. Review of Febraalr 12, 2007 IVleeting, Iylinutes <br />The minutes of the I~'ebruary• 12, 2007 Downtown Parking Pocus Group meeting were <br />reviewed and approved by consensus of the attendees. <br />1\~fs. Iblehelich provided an overview of the purpose of this meeting ~vllich is to provide input <br />to staff on proposed Illodiflcations to the current downtown parking regulations and <br />permitting system. <br />?. Presentation and Discussion of Proposed Chani?es to Current Parking Svstem <br />Chief of Police Beahen distributed to members a "Law Enforcement Parking Oven~iew & <br />Summary of Sure~ey". Chief Beahen provided an ovenrie~v of iris research on sunil:u <br />downtown commulliries, including Hopkins, Stillwater, St. CIoud, Chanhassen, Norvood- <br />YOt1I]g 1~1nCr1Ca alld AIloka. <br />Chief BCahen COnCluded ChC pri:SCIltatton wltll 1115 reCOminelldatiOils for I110d1f1C1t1011S t0 the <br />current downtown parkuig regulations and permitting system. <br />Focus Group members discussed agreement on the following proposed changes to the <br />parking s}'stern, xecognizillg that file system map change after 12-18montlls: <br />Enforcement of downtown parking regulations ends after G:00 p.m. and weekends, <br />which would allow evening downtown workers to move cars closer to place of <br />business to ease safety concerns. Tlus issue Ina}' need to be revisited based oil <br />anticipated increase in evening/weekend parking demand from new businesses and <br />park activities. <br />2. All downtown resident and overnight guests parking that are riot beuig provided bti= <br />the property owner will be required to parr: in city lots north of I-lighway 10 by <br />permit. Police Dept to order emergency posts (approx. $500 each) to ease safety <br />concerns in the nordl parking lots. <br />3. Change file tune limits for I{ing Ave lot to 3-hour (from =F-hour) and all on-street <br />parking to 2-hour (from 3-hour). Consideration may be made in file future for <br />some 1-hour parking on-street for businesses that require availabilir)~ of stills with <br />quicker turnover (e.g. bank, coffee shop, chiropractor, etc.) <br />=1. Police Dept to order "parking boot`s" for enforcement of multiple unpaid parking <br />offenses (approx. '/~ of offenses go unpaid gild courts won't enforce). <br />