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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER <br />DOWNTOWN PARKING FOCUS GROUP <br />HELD AT UPPER TOWN CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL <br />MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2007 <br />Members Present: Larry Toda, Keith Hohne, Fred i1lcCoy, Tamaza .-lckernan, Bill Houlton, <br />Pat Div}=er, Dave Rymanowski, Vern Hanson <br />`Iembers _-absent: Nick Zerwas, Denn}= \Valsh, ~eff Iuueger <br />Staff Present: Director of Economic Development Cadaeru~e 1-Iehelich, Community <br />Development Director Scott CIark, Police Sergeant Brad Rolfe <br />1. Review of Febniary 2C, 2007 Meeting Minutes <br />The minutes of the f ebruary 2G, 2007 Downtown Parking Focus Group meeting wexe <br />reviewed and approved by consensus of the attendees. <br />lis. \lehelich prov=ided an overview of the purpose of this meetuag wlaicla is to reach <br />agreement on dae proposed modifications to the current downto«=n parking regulzraons and <br />permitting system so a recommendation from dae group can be presented to Cit}' Council. <br />2. Discussion of Proposed Changes to Current Parking System <br />Police Sergeant Brad Rolfe xeviewed Claief of Police Beahen's memo on proposed changes <br />to d:e parking ordinance. Concerns were raised by some members regaxding why the <br />permits need to be fee-based, the 510/month rate may be too high for some businesses and <br />employees, concerns that a paid permit doesn't guarantee am arailable stall, and safety <br />concerns about the overflow parking options. <br />\Is. \Iehelich rtised the question if any businesses had concerns about the availability of <br />customer parking. Some members commented that customer parking adequate For now, and <br />that dais will need to be monitored as the new buildings becoFne occupied. <br />Following discussion, Focus Group members reached agreement on die Following proposed <br />changes to die parking system fox implementation Spring ?007 to Summer 2008: <br />Enforcement of downtown parking regulations ends after 6:00 p.m. and weekends, <br />which «=ould allow evening downtown workers to move cars closer to place of <br />business to ease safety concerns. This issue tnay need to be revisited based on <br />anticipated increase in evening/weekend parking demand from new businesses and <br />park acuviries. <br />2. .all downtown resident and overaiglat guests parking chat are not being provided by <br />dae propertq owner will be required to park in city lots north of Highway 10 by <br />permit, which will be issued at no cost. Police Dept to order emergenc}* posts <br />(approx. 5500 each) to ease safety concerns in the norda parking lots and in tlae I:ing <br />Avenue lot. <br />3. Change the time limits for: <br />• Bing i1c*e lot to 3-hour (fzom ~-hour) <br />• On-street parking to 3-hour (from 3-hour) <br />