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Downtown 1'ad:ing i~ocu+ Group <br />i\[ardi 13, ?007 <br />Yagc 3 of 3 <br />• The section of north D~Iain Street between Jackson Ave and in front of the Bank <br />of Elk River will be posted 1-hour. <br />• .~ few stalls along)ackson ,~1ve in front bertveen Kemper Drug and Diamond <br />City Bread will be posted 1-hoax. <br />~F. Police Dept to order "parking boots" for enforcement of multiple unpaid parking <br />offenses (approx. '/~ of offenses go unpaid and courts won't enforce), <br />5. Limit the ma.~imum number of Ding dvenue employee parking pernuts to "110, with <br />the understanding that a permit does NOT guarantee an available stall. FREE <br />overflow employee parking will be tl~ose un-posted areas of Aiain Street and Lou=ell, <br />west of die do~vnto~vn area (roughly 6=F stalls). Iiinglve employee parking permits <br />to be issued on a G-month basis and at a rate of $10 per montlx far the benefit of <br />parkuig closer. <br />Iiin~ Ave Emplo;=ee Parking <br />Etnplo}=ee stalls (upon relocation of resident stalls} 9G <br />hlasimum pemuts to be issued 110 <br />Permit issuance <br />First National Bank (per Easement :lgreement} 23 <br />r Remaining permits available 87 <br />Currently over 200 employees representing 49 businesses have been issued permits <br />(not including multiple permits). <br />The Focus Gxoup was not able to reach agreement on the best system for issuing a luni[ed <br />number of permits. The following options were briefly discussed: <br />- Lottery/random draw <br />- Fust-wine, first-serve <br />- ~•teeting of business owners to work it out on dieit own <br />3. lase.- t s <br />pls. i\~Iehelich stated since the group was unable to reach agreement on this issue that the <br />recommendation to the City Council regarding changes to the parking regulations and <br />pertutting s}°stem will be postponed. She stated dial staff will meet to discuss additional <br />options for discussion at die nest Focus Group meetisag. <br />Focus group tnetnbers were encouraged to discuss die proposed changes .vith their <br />respective blocks of neighboring businesses foz feedback. <br />Staff outlined a series of options for future discussion regarding die Phase II transition of <br />employee parking. The options included: <br />• tnodif}= as-is pemvtting system <br />• north IIwy 10 lots <br />• on-street periphery parking <br />• sharing of privately owned lots <br />+ busing/shuttling fxotn north H~~ry 10 lots <br />• parking ramp <br />• new/expand surface lot <br />