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Do~Fmiown Parking Locus Group <br />March 2G, ?007 <br />Pagc 2 of 2 <br />• Business/property owners tvho are issued perrttits but do not have immediate need for <br />them should be allowed to "transfer" to another business/property owner through <br />business-to-business negotiation and agreement. <br />• Estimated current number of downtown businesses 50 <br />Estimated new businesses in Bluffs and Jackson Place 15 <br />Total Downtown Businesses G5 <br />• r1s a matter of policy procedure, the Focus Group should establish the proposed s}=stem <br />recommendarian and present to the Council at work session for Council approval <br />before offering/announcing to the downtown businesses. <br />• Employee parking permits to be issued on a quarterly basis at the cost of Sl0 per month. <br />Number of employee: customer parking spaces ratio and number of available permits to <br />be reevaluated based on changed needs and demands by a sunilar parking focus group <br />on a quarterly basis prior to issuance. <br />• Clarified enforcement of parking regulations: <br />o fling :'<ve Lot & Onstieet Parking time Limits -Enforced. itIonday-Freda}-; no <br />tveckend enforcement <br />o Overnight Parking {no parking tam-6atn) -Enforced 7-day s a week <br />Following discussion die group reached consensus on the Following recomnzend~rion <br />regarding the system Eor parking permit issuance: <br />• ~fvl downtown business and property owners information on die new rules along with <br />permit application and deadlu"e including but not lirnired to a statement that a permit to <br />park in Ivng:'~ve lot is a privilege acid a paid permit~vill not guarantee an open spot at <br />all times. Employee parking permits to Ue'issued by Police;Dept on a quarterly basis ar <br />the cost of S10 per monde. <br />• :ill business/property= owners by address should have, the right to purchase 1 permit <br />{upon interest and application deadline), then assess'"the situation and system for issuing <br />balance of arulable permits if any cost. <br />• Number of etnpla}=ee: customer parking spaces ratio and number of available pemxuts to <br />be reevaluated Uased on changed needs and demands by a similar parking focus group <br />on a quarterly basis prior to'issuance. <br />Ne--t SteTs <br />Staff will draft and forward to the Focus Group for review and comment on the meeting <br />minutes and reeomtneudaaans xo City Council. The recommendations would be considered <br />at die 1pril 9 City Council ~~~ork Session meeting. <br />T'he nest neeang of the Focus Group will be i\Ionday, .~pri19. The Focus of the discussion <br />will Ue on die Ph:rse Il parking optons (for implementation Summer 2005). Afs. lfehelich <br />encouraged members to be thinking about the options outlined in the March 12, 2007 Pocus <br />Group lfinutes, and the question - "~~nien the fling Ave parking lot is converted to an _lLL <br />customer panting lot, how and where should employee parking be accommodated?" <br />5ubtnitted by, <br />Cad~erine it~fehelich <br />Director of Economic Development <br />