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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER <br />DOWNTOWN PARKING FOCUS GROUP <br />HELD AT UPPER TOWN CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL <br />MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2007 <br />Aletnbers Present. Larry Torte, Keith Holme, Nick Zert~as, Bill Houlton, Pat D~v}-er, Dave <br />Rymanowski, Vern I-Ianson, Denny ~~~aIsh <br />Members Absent: Fred itlcCoy, Jeff Itrtteger, Tamara Ackerman <br />Staff Present: Director of Economic Development Catherine it4ehelich, Commututy <br />Development Director Scott Clark, Chief of PoliceJeff Beahen <br />1. Review of Febman~ 26.20071Ieeting Minutes <br />The minutes of the February 3G, ?007 Downtown Parking Focus Group meeting weze <br />reviewed and appro~e*ed b}' consensus of the attendees. <br />1Is. ~•Iehelich provided an ovenrie~v of assumptions of the permitting s}*steui faz die group's <br />acknowledgement. There were no additions orrre<<isions Eo.,the assumptions br nietnbers. <br />The group was asked to formulate proposed ideas for the issuance of a limited number of <br />employeee parking permmits. The goal of dus meeting yeas to reach agreement on <br />modifications to the permitting system in order For a recommendation to pzoceed to City <br />Council. <br />2. Discussion of Proposed Changes to Current Parking Sv,,,_„ stem <br />Chief of Police Beahen clarified the calculation'on die'. numbci of parking stalls and permits <br />available under lus recommendation. <br />Iiin.,g Ave Irm~lo~~ee Parking <br />Employee stalls (upon relocation of 8 resident;pennits) 9G stalls <br />Fixsr National Bank pcrcnits`(per Easement _~greement) 23 permits/stalls <br />Balance oEavailable stalls 73 stalls <br />Permits available at rate of 1.~0°'~ of available stalls 110 permits <br />..The following opuonsand issues «<ere discussed: <br />• Parking permits should beissued to businesses and propert~~ owners and not by <br />individual employees. <br />• Issue permits on a prorated basis by number of emplo}'ees, square footage, etc. <br />• Eraluate level of interest in permits upon mailing information on the new rules, <br />including but not limited to a statement that a permit to park in Bing Ave lot is a <br />privilege, a paid permit will not guarantee an open spot at all times. <br />• x111 business/property owners b}~ address should have the right to puxchase 1 permit <br />(upon interest and application deadline), lien assess die situation and system for issuing <br />balance of available permits if an}~ e.~ist. <br />• Business/property owners should consider negotiating for use of privately-owned <br />parking lots for employee stalls based on their own needs (School District, Dares, First <br />National Bank, Baal: of Elk River) <br />• Issue permits based on density of employment per square footage of business space or <br />as a percentage of total downtown employment. <br />