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<br />. <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />. f <br /> <br />~"._ "__"n, _. <br /> <br />,I <br /> <br />;"1. <br />t, ~, <br />t" j <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />,.;.l~',( ~ ' <br />", !fI'; . <br />"'~~''-. I': i <br />~, .,t' ,: ':t., ../"/ <br />i.~r ;- ~'"~!' .~;~~ "'. .a. <br />""~- _ - t" '..' . ~ ; <br />':.........':...'J ~.~r~ . L I <br />:t.%'T'....,._ <br />~,:f:.;': . <br /> <br />I" <br /> <br />Staff Photo by John Croft <br />Some wetlands were filled in to make way for the new Wal-Mart store in Fridley. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Last year. for example, the Anoka <br />Conservation District gave Gerald <br />and Marge Sygulla permission to <br />build a 300-foot driveway through a <br />wetland to their new home in Colum- <br />bus Township - provided the drive- <br />way was onlv 24 feet wide. "I'm <br />dri~ing by later. and instead of a <br />driveway. he's got a runway through <br />it:' savs the conservation district's <br />Chris Lord. The Sygullas complain <br />that the township is against develop- <br />ment and that the wetlands laws are <br />too rigid. <br /> <br />Before long, six conservation officers <br />were involved. Old aerial photos <br />were studied to trv to determine the <br />wetlands' originaI"boundary. When <br />Woods told them to stay otTthe <br />propeny. the county attorney was <br />asked for a legal opinion on whether <br />conseJ'"\'ation officials could go and <br />inspect the damage. Making matters <br />more complicated. the suspected wet- <br />land was a unique variety that loqked <br />more like a forest than a wetland. . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Larger homebuilders are even more <br />frustrated. "A l2-by-12 [foot) puddle <br />of water with a little bit of canary <br />gras,s around it . . . is not wonh [pro- <br />tecting):' Anoka County builder Phil <br />Tetrault said. "It'U dry up anyway.:' <br /> <br />Eyen the smallest cases can have ., <br />unheard-of complications. In 1991, <br />Charles Mears wanted to dig out a' <br />pond on his propeny and stock it . <br />with trout. He got an agreement from <br />a neighbor to pUT pan of the din on <br />her propeny to t:reate a berm. But <br />when she began divorce proceedings, <br />her husband, Michael Woods, said <br />the agreement was void and drove'a <br />bulldozer through the berm. .' <br /> <br />Woods' bulldozer also cut through' <br />what officials suspected was a . " <br />wetland. " <br /> <br />The case finally ended a few months <br />ago with Woods being ordered to ' <br />remove a single pile of brush. "The. <br />area atTected here is a few hund'red <br />square feet," said John Raetz, <br />Woods' attorney. ..It's not that <br />much." <br /> <br />As the new state law takes hold. it's' <br />getter harder to find supponers of . <br />saving every wetland in Anoka . <br />County. "A tiny. tiny wetland. . .~ <br />doesn't make any sense to preserve:' <br />said Ron Henrickson, Blaine's plan-. <br />ning and economic development <br />director. <br /> <br />Henrickson has an allv in Gilben <br />Menkveld, the develoPer in Ramsey' <br />who in the end reworked his new'" <br />subdivision to accommodate wet- . <br />lands when nearby residents com- ,,' <br />plained. "Actually," said Menkveld: <br />"they're overdoing the wetlands deal <br />where we are - they're so ,- <br />unreasonable." .. . <br />