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6.1. SR 02-01-1993
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6.1. SR 02-01-1993
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<br />, ,r:.;,' <br /> <br />I, <br /> <br />:r <br /> <br />Slar Tribunel Sunday/January 311993 <br /> <br />.13A <br />.. <br /> <br />~DRYING <br />- -~~, UP <br />~Wetlands-rich Anoka County in the <br /> <br />thick of constant clashes' <br /> <br />By Mike Kaszuba <br />"StafTWriter <br /> <br />The bulldozers came rumbling <br />through the wetlands in the city of <br />~Ramsey one morning last August, <br />and developers Gilbert Menkveld <br />llnd his son. Jack, had embarked on <br />two idyllic-sounding subdivisions <br />.,rknown as Ramsey Meadows and <br />Sunny Ponds, <br />-~:." <br />Even though ~linnesota's new wet- <br />;Ii-rands conservation act was in place, <br />". both projects had gone through the <br />Itity Council without raising an eye- <br />'~brow. And the city's engineer, Steve <br />';'Jankowski, hadn't gone to any of the <br />training sessions on how cities were <br />to enforce the new law. <br /> <br />:.s isn't a great tragedy." Jan. <br />kowski said of the 1.3 acres of wet- <br />lands filled in the Menkvelds' two <br />projects. <br /> <br />Throughout Anoka County. old hab- <br />its, development pressures and a <br />wariness toward wetlands protection <br />'are clashing daily with the move to <br />preserve wetlands. Of the seven <br />;counties in the metropolitan area, <br />Anoka has not on Iv the most wet- <br />;'.}ands acreage but also the highest <br />percentage of wetlands - 27.5 per- <br />cent of its total land. <br /> <br />Sometimes the attitude toward wet- <br />lands in Anoka County is bluntly <br />-:Stated. When the state Department of <br />Natural Resources (DNR) an- <br />nounced that Andover couldn't ex- <br />tend Eldorado 5t. across a wetland, a <br />local newspaper announced the deci- <br />-sion in October with the headline, <br />," Wetland Threatens Street Project." <br /> <br />',- <br />'. <br />fOne DNR studv said that Anoka <br />Countv had 4 t d of the 581 acres of I <br />~\M etlan'ds slated to be lost to develOP_j <br />ment in the metro area from mid- <br />.}988 to early last fall. <br />fI' : <br />.er DNR survey of the most <br />e natural arC:lS in Anoka <br />County showed th:lt between 1985 <br />and 1990 dozens of wetlands sites <br />Were harmed by draining. housing <br />developments and even ofT-road <br /> <br />vehicles. <br /> <br />The contlict is likely to escalate as <br />cities in the county'simultaneouslv <br />try to attract economic development <br />and enforce new wetlands laws. <br />"Have vou ever driven around Ano- <br />ka Cou~tv?" asked Pat McGuire of <br />the DNR: "Nothing but wetlands. . . . <br />We're going to have real problems <br />there as development happens:' <br /> <br />Much of the county'S land is flat and <br />sandy, so few wetlands have distinc- , <br />tive boundaries or lie in more tradi- <br />tional bowl-shaped low spots. That, <br />however. does not make them any <br />less worthy to preservationists. <br /> <br />"It's time we put our Iimitcd natural <br />resources before the monetary ~ins <br />ofland dc\dopcrs," s;ud Carol Del- <br />monico. one of 27 ICller .....riters <br />against a recent proposal to fill ~et- <br /> <br />lands in Coon Rapids for <br />development. <br /> <br />The skirmishing over the county's <br />wetlands has at times overwhelmed <br />regulators. Cathy Brehm, a state con- <br />servation official working in the <br />county, wrote at least seven cease- <br />and-desist orders against developers <br />building in .....etlands in a four-month <br />period ending in November. "Thank <br />God. everything's freezing up." she <br />said as cold .....eather heralded the <br />annual slowdown in construction. <br /> <br />Building permits have jumped in Co- <br />lumbus Township as homeowners <br />push north into a township whcre <br />. nearfy 50 percent of all property is <br />wetlands. <br /> <br />. <br />But the new state law. which focuses i <br />on preserving or replacing wctlands <br />ofless than an acre, has left home- <br />owners such as Robert Jeukens c1ear- : <br />Iy frustrated. He's trying to sell a 5- I <br />acre property with two wetlands and <br />says the law has scared ofTbuvers <br />and will probably force him to reduce! <br />his price. <br /> <br />"They're going oyerboard:' he savs <br />of wetlands protection. . <br /> <br />In Coon Rapids. one of the most <br />controvcrsial cases bt:fore the L.S. <br />Army Corps of Engineers involves a <br />permit requcst by dcveloper William <br />Cooley to put a 100-room hotel. res- <br />taurant and stores on a 26-acre plot. <br />14 of which are wetlands. Coole\'. <br />who once co-owned the Mall or" <br />America land in Bloomington. is <br />mum on what he'll do if the Corps of <br />Engineers denies a permit. <br /> <br />"I think they really struggle with it:' <br />Tim Fcll of the Corps of Engineers <br />said of Anoka County's overall ap- <br />proach to wetlands protection. "They <br />want to attract development. . .. It's <br />close to downtown Minneapolis and <br />St, Paul. . . [but] it's gOt a lot of <br />wetlands. " <br /> <br />The county consistentlv ranked third <br />in building permits. behind Dakota <br />and Hennepin counties, from 1987 <br />through 1990 before being nudged <br />into fourth by Washington County <br />last year. Since 1989, Coon Rapids <br />has ranked either first or second <br />among 132 municipalities in the met- <br />ro area in the number of housing <br />units built. <br /> <br />Filling wetlands has been an issue in <br />many of Anoka County's splashier <br />projects, such as the National SportS <br />Center in Blaine, which obtained a <br />permit to fill about an acre of wet- <br />land in 1988. <br /> <br />But the more mundane projects have <br />taken the larger toll over time. Per- <br />mits have been matter-of-facth' is- <br />sued to fill wetlands to make room <br />for everything from a driveway in <br />Coon Rapids to the upgrading of 2nd <br />Av. in Lino Lakes to handle more <br />traffic, <br /> <br />Although all projects, at least on pa- Ii <br />per, call for creating new wetlands to <br />replace what's being destroyed, many <br />projects don't have a happy ending. <br />And often the smaller projects lead to I <br />the biggest headaches. <br />
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