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6.1. SR 02-01-1993
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6.1. SR 02-01-1993
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<br />.Acre-made-for-an-acre-Iost <br /> <br />~. . <br /> <br /> <br />requirement doesn't hold water I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'By Norman Draper <br />.6taffWriter <br /> <br />Birch Run Station is where both wet- <br />lands and the law got dumped on. <br /> <br />Three-and-a-half acres of wetlands <br />were destroyed when the strip mall <br />was built in Maplewood in 1989. <br />Despite assurances from the develop- <br />ers that they would replace what they <br />had paved over. that was never done, <br /> <br />And because of an oversight by wet- <br />lands regulators. a $75.000 line of <br />credit set up to hold the developers <br />to their promises ex.pired without <br />anyone getting a penny of it. <br /> <br />The mall, formerly called Maple- <br />wood Crossing, is one of the Twin <br />Cities' most tarnished monuments to <br />mitigation, the federal requirement <br />lthat for every acre of wetland tilled, a <br />new or improved one must be creat- <br />ed nearby. <br /> <br />It shows that despite a raft of state <br />and federal wetlands laws and regula- <br />\ions, developers have sometimes <br />ed too free a hand to do as they <br />eased. It also shows that regulators <br />. sometimes don't pay enough <br />attention. <br /> <br />1n addition, those in charge of moni- <br />toring mitigation compliance in the <br />Twin Cities area do not know how <br />manv efforts have failed. worked <br />well: or not been done at all. <br />.' <br /> <br />Mitigation sites can range from a <br />small lake anchoring a housing devel- <br />opment in Oakdale to a pond inside <br />a'freeway ramp at the Interstate <br />Hwy. 394-Hwy. 100 interchange. <br />Some have been carefully ex.cavated <br />and landscaped. Others were de- <br />sIgned with too little attention paid <br />to replacing the proper soils and veg- <br />etation. Some are merely scooped- <br />out holes in the earth that fill with <br />water. Occasionally, as with Birch <br />Run Station, the mitigation isn't <br />done. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Projects that destroy sizable amounts <br />of wetlands are required by the U.S. <br />Army Corps of Engineers and the <br />state Department of Natural Re- <br />sources (DNR) to include mitigation <br />plans, Since the late I 980s, dozens of <br />tiojects that have involved filling <br />etro area wetlands for roads, <br />uses, golf courses and other pur- <br />poses have done so only on the con- <br />dition that they replace what they've <br />destroyed. <br /> <br />As a result. state and federal regula- <br />tors can boast that new or better <br />wetlands should have been created in <br />the wake of big projects that collec- <br />tively devoured hundreds of acres of <br />We~lands. <br /> <br />Studies to tind out how mitigation is <br />working are underway. The Environ- <br />mental Protection Agency (EPA). <br />which can veto Corps of Engineers <br />wetlands permits. recently awarded <br />the Minnesota office of the National <br />Audubon Society a grant to perform <br />one such study. It will take four <br />years. <br /> <br />[~iust don't know what's going on," <br />said Ted Rockwell. EPA's director of <br />Minnesota operations. "I'm con- <br />cerned that not enough followup is <br />being done." <br /> <br />the Corps of Engineers and the DNR <br />rarelv resort to them, preferring in- <br />stead to negotiate a developer into <br />compliance. <br /> <br />Mitigation was basic and generic in <br />its earlv davs. It often entailed noth- <br />ing mo're than a big hole being <br />, scooped out of the ground. But Corps <br />of Engineers officials and private <br />consultants say those days are gone. <br />Thev contend that miti211tion can <br />succeed if the site is properly graded <br />and the right soils and plants are <br />used. Regulators and wildlife biolo- <br />gists who work with developers say <br />they are trying harder to tailor the <br />mitigation to the type of wetland lost. <br /> <br />"We dug a lot of duck ponds back in <br />the '80s," said Steve Eggers, an ecolo- <br />gist with the Corps of Engineers' St. <br />Paul district. "That didn't take into <br />account the specific functions and <br />values of the ditTerl'nt wetlands being <br /> <br />lost." <br /> <br />But unofficial observations reveal <br />that there are plenty of problems <br />with mitigation. <br /> <br />Paul Burke, a wildlife biologist with <br />the Twin Cities field office of the <br />U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. has <br />viewed as many as 100 mitigation <br />sites in the Twin Cities in the past <br />five years. He said about one-quarter <br />of the etTorts were poor or nonexis- <br />tent, and another quarter were good. <br />The remaining half were somewhere <br />in between. he said. <br /> <br />Wetlands were never re-created at <br />Birch Run. northwest of the intersec- <br />tion of Kennard St. and Beam Av. <br />The Corps of Engineers issued a wet- <br />land fill permit to the maWs develop- <br />er, Michigan-based Maplewood <br />Crossing Limited Partnership. with <br />the understanding that a mitigation <br />plan would be fonhcoming. <br /> <br />When the partnership's parent com- <br />pany. Weatherford/Walker Develop- <br />ments Inc.. was slow in developing <br />an acceptable mitigation plan. the <br />Corps of Engineers agreed to give the <br />company more time. Eventually, and <br />despite a warning from a federal <br />wildlife official that the amount was <br />too low to ensure compliance, the <br />Corps of Engineers accepted a <br />$75,000 letter of credit issued by the <br />Bank of Michigan on behalf of the <br />developer to ensure compliance with <br />mitigation requirements. .. .~": <br />, "" <br /> <br />And mitigation remains unproven, <br />more art than science. The idea that <br />humans can duplicate nature's handi- <br />work in less than a fraction of na- <br />ture's time has created plenty of <br />skepticism about mitigation's value. <br />even among federal and state <br />officials. <br /> <br />"It's like asking an engineering team <br />to design the Columbia shuttle. and <br />saying, 'Oh. by the way, you've got a <br />month to do it: .. Rockwell said. <br /> <br />Federal mitigation evolved informal- <br />Iv after 1977 amendments to the <br />Clean Water Act provided for the <br />protection of the nation's wetlands. It <br />became more common after 1986. <br />when mitigation regulations were <br />first spelled out. For projects that fill <br />more than an acre of wetland, the <br />Corps of Engineers requires at least <br />an acre of mitigation for every acre of <br />wetland filled. State mitigation re- <br />quirements, which are less specific, <br />date from the early 1970s. <br /> <br />Although both state and federal law I <br />provide for fines and jail sentences, <br /> <br />But beset by financial hardships, the-; <br />partnership and WeatherfordfWalker <br />collapsed before doing the required"' ~ <br />mitiltlltion. The mall went into fore~". <br />closure and is now run by an Edele~ <br />Prairie propeny manager who knows <br />nothing about any wetlands mitiga:' J. <br />tion plan. The deadline for the line'of <br />credit expired two years ago. .':" <br />..f. <br /> <br />"Our attorney has basically said <br />we're screwed," said Tim Fell, the "T' <br />Corps of Engineers' environmental. , <br /> charged with monitoring '~ <br />the proJect. "Pan of the problem is' :' <br />mine. I didn't bird-dog it enough." :~ <br />"'A. <br />
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