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recommend an ongoing monitoring of the water department's cash reserves to ensure <br />they continue to meet commission policy. Mr. Adams advised that the water department <br />has large capital projects scheduled outside of the rate study timeframe that should also <br />be taken into consideration when looking at the numbers. There was discussion on the <br />philosophy of doing steady rate increases over the next five years versus doing one large <br />one at the end of the five-year study period. Mr. Berg also touched on the cost of service <br />analysis for ERMU's water access charge (WAC) and stated that based on the results he <br />recommended no increase. There was discussion on ERMU's WAC and the city's Sewer <br />Access Charge (SAC) fee. <br />For the Electric Cost of Service and Rate Design Study draft Mr. Berg noted that the <br />preliminary report presented contains financials assuming a 1.5% rate increase each year <br />from 2021-2024. He stated that the final rate recommendations by class will be developed <br />following discussion of these results with the commission. Next, Mr. Berg walked the <br />commission through the high points of the report which included: Projected Operating <br />Results with Existing Rates, Cost of Service, and Proposed Rates. <br />For the Projected Operating Results with Existing Rates in the electric report, Mr. Berg <br />explained that the study showed a need for additional revenue over the five-year study <br />period, noting that with current rates ERMU could expect a nearly $2,000,000 deficit by <br />2024, ending up with just 30% of its electric reserves goal. <br />For the Cost of Service Section in the electric report Mr. Berg stated that based on the <br />preliminary study results, he recommended a 1.5% electric rate increase each year from <br />2021 to 2024. <br />Chair Dietz asked how ERMU's commercial demand and industrial electric rates compared <br />to competitors. Mr. Sagstetter responded that ERMU is within 3% of competitor rates. <br />After the discussion, the commission instructed Mr. Berg to come back with projections <br />based on a 1.5% increase. <br />Mr. Adams reiterated this is a conservative estimate that uses flat electric and water <br />revenues across five years, adding it is possible that ERMU could be in a better position <br />should revenues increase. <br />Commissioner Stewart had a few questions on the study's supporting documents. For the <br />electric study exhibit 2-A she questioned why the bond issuance costs is shown as a <br />negative number in 2016, and then a positive number in 2020. Ms. Slominski said she <br />would look into the reason for this. Commissioner Stewart also inquired about the <br />specifics of the amortization numbers shown on exhibit 3-A of the electric study. Staff <br />stated they could make breakdown more specific in the final report. <br />The commission requested that Mr. Berg attend the June commission meeting to present <br />the final reports. <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br />May 12, 2020 <br />Page 5 <br />