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5.4 leadership Transition —Search Committee Update <br />With the recent resignation of the General Manager, the commission acted on several <br />leadership transition action items during a special meeting on April 28. The commission <br />agreed on terms to hire Debra Englund, CEO HRExpertiseBP, as a search consultant. The <br />agreement has since been reviewed by counsel and has been executed by Ms. Englund <br />and Chair Dietz as authorized by the commission. The commission also established a <br />Search Committee, comprised of Chair Dietz and Commissioner Stewart, that is authorized <br />to work with the consultant to make certain candidate screening decisions and prepare a <br />refined list of candidates for the board. The commission gave the search committee <br />direction to develop the following deliverables for the May regular commission meeting: a <br />tentative schedule for the general manager search and selection process for commission <br />review, and a proposed general manager job description for commission approval. <br />Ms. Englund provided an update to the commission on the timeline for milestones in the <br />process, including a posting date of May 13, an application deadline of June 30, and start <br />date of no later than October 1. The opening will be posted on the ERMU, Minnesota <br />Municipal Utilities Association, Minnesota Rural Electric Association, and The League of <br />Minnesota Cities websites, and with the Star News. <br />Ms. Englund presented the preferred qualities of a new CEO, which had been prioritized <br />by the Search Committee, the most important quality being an ability to understand the <br />technical and business elements of leading an electric and water utility. Commissioner <br />Nadeau commented that the list looked very thorough. <br />Ms. Englund presented the job posting language for commission review and comments. <br />Commissioner Bell commented that he thought mentioning that the current general <br />manager was leaving in June might cause concern to applicants over the urgency of the <br />posting. Commissioner Stewart commented that she preferred leaving the date in the <br />posting because leaving it out could cause applicants to assume the previous general <br />manager had been terminated and the opening needed to be filled immediately. After <br />discussion, commission consensus was to keep the June leave date in the job posting. <br />Attorney Beck suggested one minor change to the language that clarified that ERMU <br />serves the city of Elk River and parts of Otsego, Dayton, and Big Lake Township. <br />Moved by Commissioner Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Westgaard to approve <br />the job posting for the General Manager position. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Ms. Englund added that she has been working with Mr. Adams and the search committee <br />to update the general manager job description, and noted it was very close to being <br />finalized. <br />Ms. Englund provided guidance to the commission on how to handle applicants contacting <br />them directly about the job opening. She cautioned the commissioners from accepting <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br />May 12, 2020 <br />Page 6 <br />