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Mr. Adams recognized Ms. Canterbury for all the hard work she put in to complete this four- <br />year project. <br />Moved by Commissioner Nadeau and seconded by Commissioner Westgaard to approve <br />the following: <br />• Adopt new governance policies: G.4e1, G.4e2, and G.4e3. <br />• Delegate authority to management and move the following policies to the <br />Management Policy Manual: A.1, E.1, and W.1. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />4.2 Deposit Policy <br />At the April 14, 2020 commission meeting, the commission discussed the current <br />Customer Deposit Policy and directed staff to research other utilities polices and bring <br />that information back to the May meeting. <br />Ms. Nelson provided an update and explained that staff is still in the process of gathering <br />data from Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association, American Public Power Association, <br />and other neighboring utilities. She noted that this will be brought back to the commission <br />at a later date once all the information has been compiled. <br />5.0 BUSINESS ACTION <br />5.1 Financial Report— March 2020 <br />Ms. Karpinski presented the March 2020 financial report as outlined in her memo. Ms. <br />Karpinksi noted that usage and revenue were down for March but so were expenses, <br />ultimately leading to a favorable financial month. Ms. Karpinksi stated that year-to-date <br />financials compared to 2019 and budgeted totals were also favorable. <br />Commissioner Stewart had a question about the relationship between the April purchased <br />power and the April usage on the sales and usage graphs presented. Staff responded. <br />Chair Dietz had a question about the increase in water connection fees compared to the <br />previous year. Staff confirmed that this was due to the City's new multipurpose facility. <br />Moved by Commissioner Stewart and seconded by Commissioner Bell to receive the <br />March 2020 Financial Report. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Meeting Minutes <br />May 12, 2020 <br />Page 3 <br />