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City Council Minutes <br />April 15, 2019 <br />Page 9 <br />Councilmember Wagner indicated Mr. Kaufmann spoke during the Parks and <br />Recreation meeting and suggested volunteers assist with flag maintenance which she <br />believes is a really good idea. <br />Mike Matter, 19126 Lincoln St NW, indicated he is a local business owner and <br />offered to fund the group's shortfall to remove any risk of funding being an issue for <br />installation. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if this could be added to the May Parks and Recreation <br />Commission agenda. He also hopes people in attendance have the facts now and <br />hopes they will pass the facts on. <br />Jim Acers, representing the Boy Scouts of American Central Minnesota Council, <br />invited the Council to attend the annual Boy Scout Leadership Breakfast on May 2. <br />Council recessed at 7:43 p.m. in order to go in to work session. Council reconvened at 7:50 <br />p.m. <br />9.1 Joint Meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission: Pavilion <br />Design <br />Chair Anderson called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission to order <br />at 7:50 p.m. <br />Chair Anderson indicated he is in favor of using natural stone, a simple stone roof, <br />and he would like to incorporate wind screening during the winter months to draw <br />the cross country skiers and hikers. <br />Commissioner Niziolek preferred a steep slope with a southern exposure element. <br />He would like to see the shelter wrapped with canvas panels to make usable in the <br />fall and winter. He indicated stone amenities are a must and prefers field stone since <br />it's a trademark for our town. He also likes the design with the hole in the roof to <br />allow heat to rise. <br />Counciknember Westgaard explained there was quite a bit of debate over stone <br />during the wayfinding discussions and questioned the general consensus for being <br />consistent between the wayfinding signage and pavilions. He cautioned against <br />making the shelters so fancy we cannot afford them. <br />Commissioner Rathbun believes the durability of natural stone is better. He <br />suggested tying the wayfinding signs, flag pole bases, and pavilions together. <br />Chair Anderson believes we should learn from the failures of others by finding out <br />what other entities did wrong. <br />PI1EaII Ir <br />NATURE <br />