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City Council Minutes <br />April 15, 2019 <br />Page 10 <br />Councilmember Wagner indicated she likes the red steel roof like the downtown <br />kiosk. She noted it has limestone columns. <br />Chair Anderson believes red, brown, and green fit nicely in nature. <br />Commissioner Niziolek commented bronze or copper looks good with field stone. <br />Commissioner Loidolt stated his recommendation would be to keep some things the <br />same but have the designs be varied between the sports complexes versus the nature <br />parks. He envisions Woodland Trails more nature oriented and woodsy while the <br />sports complexes may be a little more modern and fancy. <br />Commissioner Soltvedt works for Anoka County parks and is aware of what doesn't <br />work. He indicated steel roofs are good but can be loud in the rain so he suggested <br />including a wood underlayment. He noted weather fades colors so looking at more <br />natural colors may be better since they tend to fade more consistently. <br />Mayor Dietz asked the commission to discuss and come up with ideas. <br />Mr. Portner indicated the information is needed next week in order to prepare the <br />bid specifications on the recreation projects. <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated colors don't need to be decided at this time, just <br />design. Consensus of the group was they preferred a model with the split roof similar <br />to the Poligon — Chelsea shown on the right in the drawings presented this evening. <br />Mr. Portner asked Mr. Hecker to obtain a list from the conurtission so 292 Design <br />Group can include in the specifications. <br />Councilmember Westgaard questioned if the commission is in favor of having a <br />guide or policy for pavilion construction for the future. <br />There being no further business, Chair Anderson adjourned the meeting of the Elk <br />River Parks and Recreation Commission at 8:24 p.m. <br />9.2 Snow and Ice Control Policy <br />Mr. Femrite and Mr. Sevcik presented the staff report. <br />Councilmember Ovall questioned if we communicate with the county for <br />coordination of routes. Mr. Sevcik indicated we do; however, the county has <br />different priorities throughout the county. He explained city staff is in contact with <br />the county before and during snow events but priorities don't always line up. <br />Councilmember Ovall stated there is a big difference between the conditions of the <br />roads in Anoka County versus Sherburne County. Mr. Sevcik explained Anoka <br />P 1 w E 1 E 1 1 1 <br />NATUR� <br />