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City Council Minutes <br />April 15, 2019 <br />Page 8 <br />suggested they hold the event at the River's Edge Downtown Park. The American <br />Legion came before the Parks and Recreation Commission on March 13 in request <br />of a permanent flag pole behind the stage. The Commission discussed this request <br />acknowledging there have been other requests and chose to continue the discussion <br />in order to discuss and create a plan for all parks. She explained a letter to the editor <br />was published saying the request had been denied and cast city officials in a negative <br />light for doing so. She clarified the Commission did not deny the request and simply <br />asked for the item to be brought back for further discussion on location and funding. <br />She explained it is unfortunate much of the information on social media was <br />emotionally driven and included inaccurate statements. She stated the Commission <br />never said the flag was "unappealing" as stated in the letter. <br />She indicated some members of the public came to the April Parks and Recreation <br />Commission meeting where facts were discussed and a solution agreeable to all <br />parties was reached. The solution is for the Fire Department to display a very large <br />flag from a ladder truck for the 2019 Memorial Day celebration. She stated Chair <br />Anderson did a good job of explaining the process at the April Parks and Recreation <br />Commission meeting. <br />Mayor Dietz added the request included the city paying for the flag pole and <br />installation; however, funding is not currently available since the budget for 2019 is <br />already in place. <br />Councilmember Wagner noted staff estimated the pole installation would cost $4,000 <br />and by allowing time to review this request and putting a plan in place it could be <br />discussed for the 2020 budget cycle. <br />Mayor Dietz indicated he has been in contact with the American Legion commander <br />since this issue. He stated many things are going on in this park including a potential <br />dock and these items really need to be reviewed before granting requests. He stated <br />he asked Mr. Sevcik to see if renting a flag pole is an option but it is not. The Legion <br />agreed to the temporary solution of the flag on the fire truck. He explained he was <br />very upset by the Letter to the Editor as items were taken out of context and believes <br />the Star News should have included an editor's note under the letter clarifying what <br />the Parks and Recreation Commission actually said. He further explained he is a <br />veteran and believes Elk River does a lot for its veterans. He personally spends a lot <br />of time on the Yellow Ribbon campaign. He stated for city officials to be called <br />names is ridiculous and people should step back and get the facts before they jump <br />to conclusions. <br />Michael Kaufinann, 15300 196`h Ave NW, member of the Flag Runners group, <br />indicated September 7 is the American Legion's 100th Anniversary and they would <br />like to see a flag in place by then. He indicated the group started a GoFundMe <br />account and hopes to raise money for a flag pole installation and maintenance. <br />P 0 W I R I I 11 <br />APURE <br />