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City Council Minutes <br />April 15, 2019 <br />Page 11 <br />County has 24-hour plow shifts and a very large salt budget and Sherburne County <br />only has one plow shift and not a large salt budget. <br />Mr. Sevcik and Mr. Femrite noted the city's communication on Code Red and social <br />media outlets has improved immensely. <br />Councilmember Ovall questioned if communication is something the city and county <br />can collaborate on since people get confused on the difference between the two. Mr. <br />Femrite will review. <br />Mr. Femrite indicated the city gets calls inquiring about sidewalks we maintain versus <br />sidewalks we do not. He explained with one sidewalk plow it takes 48 hours to clear <br />23 miles. He noted we are not meeting our own ordinance requiring residents to <br />have sidewalks cleared within 24 hours. <br />Mayor Dietz questioned how plowing all 52 miles of sidewalks would impact the <br />budget. Mr. Sevcik indicated two more sidewalk plows and two more employees <br />would come at a cost of approximately $500,000. <br />Mayor Dietz indicated he received a lot of snow complaints this year but believes <br />staff did a good job. He questioned if there is a way to alternate routes so the first <br />person plowed during a storm is the last person plowed next time. Mr. Sevcik <br />indicated it can be done but efficiency would be lost as it would change how we <br />prioritize routes. <br />Mayor Dietz questioned if city snow plow drivers are exempt from the 14 -hour <br />driving restriction. Mr. Sevcik indicated there is no exemption for city plow drivers. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if our communications department could provide real time <br />updates on social media of which areas are being plowed. Mr. Sevcik indicated <br />software does locate trucks every 30 minutes but there is no automated feature so <br />staff would have to constantly monitor the software in order to provide updates. <br />Mayor Dietz questioned if we know our service levels compared to neighboring <br />cities. Mr. Fernrite indicated in speaking with other public works departments, he <br />learned each city has its own set of challenges but he believes we do a good job with <br />our service. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if part-time seasonal snow plow drivers can be hired to assist. Mr. <br />Sevcik stated the new part-time snow plow driver was recently added to the <br />compensation plan but has not been utilized. He stated the part-time employee may <br />be implemented next plow season. <br />Mayor Dietz indicated Vision Transportation was criticizing the city on social media <br />during one of the ice storms. Mr. Teff believes Vision Transportation needs to adapt <br />their routes much like the city does. He explained Vision Transportation is welcome <br />to contact the city to get real time updates but they have not done so. <br />A R E R f R R C <br />INATUR� <br />