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City Council -Minutes <br />April 15, 2019 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Christianson questioned how much of the city's 23 miles of <br />sidewalks currently plowed is residential neighborhoods and not in front of parks, <br />etc. Mr. Sevcik estimates half. <br />Mayor Dietz questioned if Mr. Femrite can prepare and analysis of all the sidewalks <br />we plow with an explanation of why they are plowed. Mr. Femrite indicated it would <br />be difficult because many of the decisions why to plow were made before his time <br />with the city. <br />The Council discussed changing the ordinance requiring sidewalks to be cleared <br />within 24 hours if we are not meeting it. Mr. Femrite indicated any change would <br />require a service level change and would at Council discretion. Staff was directed to <br />review and analyze the current sidewalk portion of the snow and ice policy and <br />related ordinances and bring suggested changed back to the Council this summer. <br />9.3 Parking Lot Pavement Management Funding <br />Mr. Femrite presented the staff report. <br />Mayor Dietz believes the city needs to assure residents including parking lots in the <br />pavement management fund will not affect quality or timing of street maintenance. <br />Councilmember Westgaard questioned if all 32 city -owned parking lots could be <br />included in the pavement management system to be funded out of the franchise fee. <br />Mr. Femrite indicated based on fund projections, he believes the parking lots could <br />be absorbed without increasing the fee. <br />Mr. Femrite clarified the following Council direction regarding adding parking lots to <br />the pavement management fund: <br />■ Streets are priority <br />■ No plans to increase the franchise fee <br />■ Once city -owned streets are taken care of, the Council can consider <br />extending to city -owned parking lots. <br />9.4 2020 Census Complete Count Committee <br />Mr. Carlton presented the staff report. <br />Council consensus was to establish a Complete County Committee for the 2020 <br />Census. <br />10. Adjournment <br />There being no further business, Mayor Dietz adjourned the meeting of the Elk <br />River City Council at 9:47p.m. <br />rI <br />0VEHEI er <br />ATUR <br />