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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />February 24, 1998 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />C. <br /> <br />Land use plan amendment of approximately 40 acres of property lying at <br />the northeast corner of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and <br />Highway 169 from MR (Medium Density Residential) to LI (Light Industrial) <br />(Area #6). <br /> <br />D. Rezoning of the 40 acres described above from R 1 c (Single Family <br />Residential) to BP (Business Park) (Area #6). <br /> <br />E. Land use plan amendment of approximately 70 acres of property located <br />along Burlington Northern Railroad tracks between 177th and 173rd, from <br />MR (Medium Density Residential) to LI (Light Industrial) (Area #7). <br /> <br />F. Rezoning of the 70 acres described above from R1e (Single Family <br />Residential) to BP (Business Park) (Area #7). <br /> <br />G. Rezoning of approximately 45 acres from R1c (Single Family Residential) to <br />BP (Business Park) (Area #3). <br /> <br />Steve explained all of the areas being considered for rezoning are located along <br />the new realignment of County Road No. 13 as it extends from the 186th Avenue <br />alignment south to the 173rd Avenue alignment. The rezonings are being brought <br />forward as part of the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Steve reviewed <br />the how the Strategic Plan criteria apply to the areas proposed for rezoning. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Paul Steinman, Economic Development Executive Director, indicated the <br />rezonings and land use amendments are city-initiated due to the Strategic Plan <br />for Economic Development, in order to bring the City's industrial property <br />inventory up to an acceptable level of 300 gross acres. Steve Ach added the <br />four areas under consideration tonight total approximately 180 gross acres and <br />115 acres net, taking out the wetlands. <br /> <br />Chair Mesich opened the public hearing for Items 5.4. through 5.10 on the <br />agenda. <br /> <br />Daryl Norlund, 381 Line Avenue, (Area #3) expressed his opposition to the business <br />park rezoning for Area #3, stating he felt the residential would be devalued. He <br />questioned if the new roadway has been approved. Steve Ach stated the City <br />Council has approved the roadway alignment and has been officially mapped. <br />The process may begin soon to acquire the necessary right of way. Mr. Norlund <br />expressed concern vehicles will use Line Avenue as a shortcut. Steve Ach <br />indicated this access will likely have to be eliminated. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Jenny Mulvany, Maple Grove, representing Louise Mulvany, (Area #3) questioned <br />why Area #3 cannot be left residential since it is surrounded by residential. She <br />asked what would happen to the residential property owners' taxes if the <br />rezoning is approved. Steve Ach indicated the residential homes would become <br />legal nonconforming uses and would remain unless they were more than 50% <br />destroyed by a natural disaster. Steve suggested the Mulvanys check with the <br />County regarding any impact on their property taxes. He indicated it was his <br />understanding the County based the value and tax classification on the highest <br />and best use of property. <br />