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02-24-1998 PC MIN
City Government
Boards and Commissions
Planning Commission
Planning Minutes
1990 - 1999
02-24-1998 PC MIN
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<br />Planning Commission Minutes <br />February 24, 1998 <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Janlne Holmberg, 87 5th Street, (Area #3) expressed her concern regarding <br />lowered property values, noise and traffic as a result of the rezoning. <br /> <br />Earl Hohlen, 39 Main Street, requested that Area #5 remain Highway Business. <br /> <br />Ruth Brown, 10815 175th Avenue, (Area #7), questioned what affects the rezoning <br />would have on them as property owners. steve indicated the rezoning itself <br />would not change anything at this time, other than making their home a legal <br />nonconforming use. Mrs. Brown questioned what would happen to their property <br />value and their ability to sell the property if it is rezoned to industrial. She stated <br />they have lived on their property for 34 years and had intended to live out their <br />lives there. She indicated that the new roadway will drastically change their <br />quality of life. She questioned if it is likely industrial development will come soon. <br />Mrs. Brown expressed her concern they will be left with land that will be difficult to <br />sell in an area they no longer wish to live in, and they will end up with assessment <br />they can't afford to pay. She asked that the Planning Commission keep these <br />issues in mind. <br /> <br />Paul Steinman, Economic Development Executive Director, explained the <br />industrial development of the areas being considered for rezoning will be long <br />term. He noted the Vandenberg property will likely be the first to develop with <br />the road corridor being constructed down to 173rd. Paul indicated it will take <br />some time to develop the whole Vandenberg property as business park. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Steve explained if these areas being considered are left residential, there is <br />nothing to stop residential development from happening and soon there will be <br />no industrial land available. <br /> <br />Mrs. Brown questioned what will happen to their property. Steve indicated the <br />new proposed roadway goes right through their house. He indicated a <br />representative from the Evergreen Group would be contacting them in the near <br />future regarding acquisition of their property for the road right of way. Mrs. Brown <br />stated it was her understanding the extension of the water and sewer would be <br />done in three phases. Steve explained there are now two project options under <br />consideration; the first which includes the Hohlen property and Waddy Schultz <br />property, and the second which includes a larger area. The City Council has not <br />made a decision which project will proceed forward. <br /> <br />Paul explained the possibility of some type of development agreement with <br />holders of business park property to help market their property. This process <br />guarantees a price to the owners, addressing timing of when and how the <br />property is developed. Paul noted that since the City is initiating the rezoning of <br />their property to business park, he felt their is some obligation to help the property <br />owners market their property. Chair Mesich questioned if deferment of <br />assessments would be considered in a development agreement. Paul indicated <br />that has not be done as of this date. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Darrell Norlund questioned what area would likely be developed first with <br />industrial uses. Steve indicated development would likely begin with Area #6 to <br />the north and then south toward Highway 10. Steve explained that development <br />would be initiated by private property owners, not the City. Mr. Norlund <br />questioned why a business park would be located between two residential areas. <br />
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