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5.2. PCSR 12-18-2018
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5.2. PCSR 12-18-2018
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12/12/2018 11:09:03 AM
Creation date
12/12/2018 11:06:15 AM
City Government
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4. MnDNR will follow up with comments regarding requirements for state floodplain and the <br />Mississippi River Wild and Scenic and Recreational requirements. <br />5. The project must meet all state and city ordinance requirements for the floodplain <br />regulation. <br />6. Submit soil borings and infiltrometer tests for all proposed infiltration basin areas. <br />7. Submit soil borings for the proposed infiltration basin (within proposed area) in order to <br />identify water baring soils. The infiltration basin details must meet state requirements and <br />have a separation of 3’ from the proposed bottom of the basin and water baring soils. <br />8. Stormwater pre-treatment is required prior to any proposed infiltration basins. <br />9. The plans show a basin bottom of 861.00 but the stormwater report lists 860.00. This needs <br />to be addressed. <br />10. The proposed 18” FES needs to discharge within the basin sidewall, not short of the basin <br />within the hillside, also, include energy dissipation according to city standards. <br />11. Will the existing 18” FES and stormwater system stay on-line or be abandoned? If so, <br />HydroCAD needs to be included for this and the basin needs to be cleaned out to original <br />design or enlarged based on requirements. <br />12. The proposed stormwater lines show it tying together at CB #8, provide detail of how this <br />will work. <br />13. Provide pipe sizing chart report. <br />14. Show parking lot contours, direction of flow and grade percentages. Also, show pipe slope <br />percentages. <br />15. Indicate where all roof drainage is being directed to, and not which CB #. <br />16. The city was not able to review the proposed stormwater system for the ‘proposed 4-story <br />apartment building’ because it is cut off on page C-2, update accordingly. <br />17. Submit long term maintenance plan for all BMPS. <br />18. Submit for SWPPP for review in accordance with the NPDES permit. <br />19. Construction may not commence until a NPDES Permit is issued and the stormwater design <br />is approved. <br />20. Submit full MIDS report. <br />21. Staff reserves the right to continue review of all site, grading and utility plans. <br /> <br />Environmental: <br />1. MnDNR will follow up with comments regarding requirements for state floodplain and the <br />Mississippi River Wild and Scenic and Recreational requirements. <br />2. Provide before and after hardcover calculations for the Saxon site. Ordinance limits <br />impervious surfaces to 25% or no net increase. <br />3. Section 30-2022 requires a 30 foot setback from the top-of-bluff. Move structures outside of <br />the setback. <br />4. Submitted plans showing the hardcover calculations. Sketches indicate the area inside the <br />building, courtyard, will have impervious surfaces. <br />a. If land along the river is dedicated for park use, the hardcover calculations will change. <br />Updated plans will be required based on park recommendations. <br />5. The proposed site does not meet setbacks from the Mississippi River, does not meet bluff <br />setbacks and potential grading plans are concerning from an environmental standpoint. Bluff <br />destabilization is the biggest concern overall for proposed project. There is no wetland <br />delineation on file for this site. Any encroachment into the bluff setback or bluff area may <br />require approval from the Department of Natural Resources. As submitted previously, there
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