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Memo to Planning Commission/GP 99-7 <br /> June 22, 1999 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • Club, but will allow for greater access into the Top of the World Park from <br /> the City Trail. <br /> The Elk River Country Club also proposes to exchange a 2.83 acre easement <br /> over park property for use by the Country Club in exchange for an easement <br /> over 8 acres of golf course property for park purposes. The easement over the <br /> park will contain a portion of the existing driving and an access drive. The <br /> easement over the Country Club property will contain wooded land with <br /> trails now used for skiing purposes. When the city began developing <br /> Woodland Trails Park, the golf course had been utilizing a portion of the park <br /> land for a driving range. This use of park property was allowed to continue <br /> as it had little effect on the park use and the golf course has been a <br /> cooperative neighbor allowing the use of golf course land for park use (ski <br /> trails, etc.). The easement exchange will legitimize the existing uses of the <br /> park and golf course by both property owners. <br /> Master Park and Recreation Plan <br /> The two issues highlighted by the Master Plan that should be considered <br /> with this proposal include the potential East/West Collector Roadway and the <br /> sensitivity of the proposal to the natural amenities of the park. <br /> • The land and easement exchange will have little potential impact on the City <br /> Park whether or not the East/West Collector is built in the future. The <br /> Collector would cross entirely on City Park property and would impact the <br /> park whether or not the land and easement exchanges occur. <br /> The proposed easement exchange would not likely impact the park since the <br /> city retains ownership and control of the area for screening. The easement <br /> document should be written to limit the use to the driving range and access <br /> drive. Any regrading of the area should be allowed only with the permission <br /> of the City after review by the Park and Recreation Commission. <br /> Park and Recreation Commission Action <br /> On June 9, 1999, the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the land and <br /> easement exchange and recommended that the Council consider: <br /> THE EXCHANGE OF 2.82 ACRES OF COUNTRY CLUB PROPERTY FOR 1.2 ACRES OF CITY <br /> PARK LAND,IN ORDER TO EXPAND THE GOLF FACILITY AND CONSTRUCT A <br /> MAINTENANCE BUILDING. <br /> • The Commission also recommends that the Council consider: <br /> \\elkriver\sys\shrdoc\planning\stevewen\pcmmo\gp99-7.doc <br />