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<br />City Council Minutes <br />September 27, 1999 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Discussion was held by the council regarding the effect that the wastewater <br />treatment plant expansion had on Section 7, financial and ordinance status. <br />Discussion was also held regarding Section 1, the treatment system physical <br />condition and the effect that the broken clarifier had on the score in that section. <br />The City Administrator noted that the city has ordered a new clarifier that will be <br />installed this year, and this should improve the score in this section by next year. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER DIETZ MOVED TO CERTIFY THAT THE ANNUAL EVALUATION AND <br />PLANNING SYSTEM REPORT FROM THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY <br />HAS BEEN DISCUSSED AND REVIEWED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. COUNCILMEMBER <br />FARBER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 4-0. <br /> <br />6.5. Authorization to Purchase Police Vehicles <br /> <br />Police Chief Tom lerwas noted that the Police Department requested quotes for <br />the purchase of five police patrol vehicles. He requested council authorization to <br />accept the quote from Elk River Ford at $21,211 per vehicle. The Chief noted that <br />equipment certificates are planned to be used for this purchase. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER MOTIN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF FIVE FULL SIZE <br />YEAR 2000 POLICE VEHICLES FROM ELK RIVER FORD AT $21,211 PER VEHICLE. <br />COUNCILMEMBER DIETZ SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 4-0. <br /> <br />6.6. <br /> <br />Authorization to Hire COPS FAST Officer <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Police Chief lerwas requested authorization to elevate Steven Sarazin from the <br />position of pOlice reserve officer to a full time police officer position. He noted <br />that this move would fill the city's last remaining position for the COPS FAST grant <br />program. <br /> <br />Council member Dietz stated that he would expect this person to be a patrol <br />officer. Chief lerwas indicated that Mr. Sarazin would be on patrol until at least <br />June 1, 2000, at which time the situation would be reviewed by the council. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER DIETZ MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE HIRING OF STEVEN SARAZIN AS <br />A FULL TIME POLICE OFFICER WITH THE CITY OF ELK RIVER CONTINGENT ON HIS <br />SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF ALL ASPECTS OF THE SELECTION PROCESS. <br />COUNCILMEMBER FARBER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 4-0. <br /> <br />6.7. Authorization to Hire Crime Prevention Specialist CSO <br /> <br />Police Chief lerwas requested council authorization to hire a full time Crime <br />Prevention/CSO officer. <br /> <br />COUNCILMEMBER DIETZ MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO HIRE DARREN MCKERNAN <br />TO FILL THE POSITION OF CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER/CSO CONTINGENT ON HIM <br />SUCCESSFULLY PASSING THE REMAINDER OF THE SELECTION PROCESS AND <br />BEGINNING AT PAY GRADE 7, STEP A. COUNCILMEMBER FARBER SECONDED THE <br />MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 4-0. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />6.8. <br /> <br />Consider Worksessions to Discuss Council Priorities <br /> <br />Discussion was held by the council regarding the concept of the council holding <br />worksessions on a regular basis. Councilmember Motin suggested that the 4th <br />Monday of the month be scheduled as a council worksession. It was also <br />