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Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 <br /> April 26,2016 <br /> Mr.Jensen asked that there be no condition to require a traffic study for this project, since <br /> the 2004 EAW took into account the platting of this area. He stated that he felt a traffic <br /> study should be conducted by the city at the direction of the City Council. <br /> Greg Lien,19147 Lincoln Street NW—asked what the primary construction traffic path <br /> will be, and what the builders will be told. He felt there is a substantial decrease in the 75- <br /> foot lots and an increase in the smaller lots. <br /> Mr.Jensen reviewed the changes made in the lots. He stated that construction deliveries will <br /> be asked to use the existing access,but they will use the southerly road when it becomes <br /> available. Mr.Jensen stated that they would not be using the road through the Sunset Ridge <br /> area, even if the road connection was required by staff. <br /> Mr. Lien asked what happened to the city's plans to build a fire station out in this area. Mr. <br /> Leeseberg stated that he was not aware of any recent discussion to build a fire station at this <br /> time. <br /> Commissioner Larson-Vito stated that she did not feel there would be any problem with fire <br /> coverage for the additional homes. <br /> Mr. Lien stated that the former fire chief wanted a fire station in this area, due to the <br /> increase in residents and adding the school. <br /> Commissioner Larson-Vito asked if the applicant would have an issue with a traffic study <br /> being required before phase 3 begins, and if that would prevent them from starting the <br /> project. Mr.Jensen said he again would ask the Planning Commission recommend the city <br /> do a traffic study. He stated that if a traffic study were required before this project could <br /> begin,it would kill anything from happening this year. <br /> Kim Thiry, 19031 Lincoln Street NW—asked why mailings were not provided for this <br /> meeting, since she understood they would receive notice of all future developments. She <br /> asked why there could not be an access to the north off the county road,and cul-de-sac <br /> either Kennedy or Lincoln Street. She asked why the developer would not connect there to <br /> provide a straight access to the county road. <br /> Chair Johnson stated he was not in favor of a connection with the Sunset Ridge <br /> development. He questioned how a traffic study could be tied to a phase,when no one is <br /> sure when a particular phase would happen. <br /> Mr.Jensen explained how it would be difficult to tie a study to a particular phase, and would <br /> make more sense to tie it to a number of homes being built. <br /> Chair Johnson stated he felt a traffic study is something the city needs to take on. <br /> Commissioner Larson-Vito stated that all aspects of the plan need to be looked at and traffic <br /> is one of the issues. <br /> Commissioner Larson-Vito suggested adding to condition #3 that driveway"creep"be <br /> addressed by the homeowners association. She stated she was in favor of not requiring any <br />