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• SeQuin Hospital Bed Corporation <br /> Page 5 <br /> The products that SeQuin will compete with can be categorized as follows: <br /> Product Description Daily Retail Rental <br /> 1. Simple mattresses and gel filled pads Usually purchased <br /> $100.00 - $1,500.00 <br /> 2. Non-turning air flow mattress overlays $35.00 - $55.00 <br /> 3. Lateral tubed, overlay, some turning $60.00 - $90.00 <br /> 4. Fluidized silicon or glass beads, non-turning $75.00 - $150.00 <br /> 5. Low air loss beds, most turn to some degree $75.00 - $165.00 <br /> 6. Highly specialized beds - advanced treatment $85.00 - $175.00 <br /> Projected Retail Rates for SeQuin beds: <br /> SeQuin 500 (A substantially improved and lower cost $36.00/day <br /> alternative to categories 1 - 5 above <br /> SeQuin 1000 (In direct competition to category 6 $44.00/day <br /> • above) <br /> The more sophisticated products are usually rented by the end user, and there is some <br /> cross-over in the rental rates. Much of the pricing is driven by the reimbursement <br /> policies of Medicare and Medicade. Medicare reimburses at approximately $40.00 to <br /> $125.00 per day for a bed or sophisticated overlay, depending on the categorization of <br /> the product within the guidelines. <br /> None of the products in categories one through four are able to turn the patient to 40 <br /> degrees or are they stable enough to be used with patients with spinal cord injuries. Both <br /> SeQuin beds will turn 40 degrees and are very aggressive in price and rental rates when <br /> compared to products within categories five and six. <br /> MANAGEMENT: <br /> William H. Singleton, President and Treasurer <br /> Mr. Singleton most recently functioned as founder and President of Strategic Alliance, <br /> Inc., a firm specializing in business planning and financial consulting. The firm served <br /> several medical companies as clients. <br /> • <br />