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• <br /> ��YY11 North Crow River News Monday, October 27,2003 Page 11 -;,i;; <br /> • <br /> would include: <br /> d1. A new 700 student ele- <br /> entary school constructed in systems at Rogers High <br /> the southern part of the district RHS ENERGY/continued School. Even so, the envi <br /> iool ($18 million). ronment there is sunny and <br /> 1.7 2. A new 700 student ale- fresh.And,said Superinten- <br /> ney mentary school constructed in The white translucent improves student learning by dent Dr. Alan Jensen, <br /> .'his the eastern part of the district skylights provide enough significant amounts. "Every school we build from <br /> per ($18 million). sunlight, even on cloudy It will take approximately a now on will be better than ;, <br /> 3. Construction of a third days, to eliminate or mini- year to fine tune all the new the last." 'Y <br /> l to classroom wing at Rogers mize the`amount of electric <br /> icu- Junior High($4.2 million). lighting needed, while also <br /> and 4. Renovation of the lower preventing glare.The school 3 _, w - <br /> 1/or level of Elk River High School is designed to use as much '1, . M <br /> the ($1 million). natural light as possible. .,: j> <br /> pen 5.' Purchase of land for Classrooms are narrow so • r: <br /> sunlight comingthrough the R, vp <br /> rhe future school construction in` g g <br /> will Zimmerman and eastern Elk many windows will reach <br /> )as- River($3 million). • the back walls, and ceilings <br /> 6. Construction of locker are sloped to facilitate the <br /> aed, rooms and an athletic field at distribution of the light. ' 1> <br /> Mme Zimmerman High School ($1.3 High windows between �' --,,,,:7-- <br /> nth million). g classrooms and hallways " * • . ' <br /> ' 7. Matching the state grant allow the sunlight into the • r SYS - "` <br /> ;ers of $450,000 to repair and interior areas,as well. ` <br /> and remodel the Handke facility. The initial costs of build- � K� ` '' - <br /> ingsustainable schools mayre <br /> h a 8. Improvement. of the air txy �� �y, ; <br /> not be lower, but there are ` �, . <br /> . If quality systems at Otsego Ele- , --.0;.:--,-,•,!-.F:... :,:.,, '�' ' <br /> Auld mentary and Salk Junior High significant savings for both �� 1 , <br /> 000 School($5.4 million). the short term and the long F r' <br /> 14 a 9. Repair and renovation term. The schools are built 4 g �N t <br /> rojects at schools throughout to last,maintenance is easi- :• k „ <br /> nd•�e district($10 million). er and energy efficiencies <br /> um keep operating costs down. �`n> <br /> The floors, for instance, are F' <br /> made of terrazzo,which willE:.:;:.•••••••,4:.::-::::•::-:;.:.,:il,m;:ai51?-ii*,4111111116111441.111-1.8.., viv:Nia90:aii.-moti- - <br /> last forever,are.easy to clean y2a' . . <br /> land. and do not mold. And the fi'3 (, <br /> roof is made of five layers of �. <br /> In the new building, there K <br /> mainly recycled rubber and aux <br /> are two conference rooms, g k <br /> will last 30 years,as opposed x <br /> offices, an infant and a toddler '� " w <br /> to a normal life span of ;ah AI <br /> Lble nursery, a library, a kitchen ' s v n �h <br /> It seven or eight years.And the _ _ , <br /> and.a large narthex which can annual energy savings for ex ,x . > <br /> ath accommodate church dinners. Rogers High School is Photo byKathyara <br /> e is There is also a small chapel, expected to be$116,200. Dr.Ron Bratlie(right),director of business nd per- <br /> which will eventually have a The bottom line, though, ations for the Elk River Area School District,points out ' <br /> will small alwtar and a whichstained will be is the consequence for the the high windows and sloping roofs in Rogers High ' <br /> window and be students. Cleaner air will- Schoolis media center during an open house Tuesday, <br /> for available for- prayer and pri- result in healthier students, Oct.21.Bratlie explained how the schoolis designs elim- <br /> and vate baptisms. A one-story which certainly enhances irate or greatly reduce the need for electric lighting <br /> ,on. building, the church is coin,- <br /> re- pletely handicap accessible. learning. More than that, during daylight hours. <br /> ' Nelson anticipates anew though, recent studies of Mark Dobberstein (left), who has elementary-age _ <br /> :lip, senior pastor will be called to schools using daylighting children,attended the open house to find out about the <br /> hatWord of Peace by the end'of this show the environment energy efficiencies of the new high school. i <br /> ace year: The-call committee has <br /> )m- been working since before July - <br /> mm- and is already conducting sec- <br /> and interviews of candidates. STMA/continued "It's difficult to know every- ,,aew With the growth of the church, thing far in the future,"Lefeb- <br /> ate Nelson also believes that in the vre responded. "(The tax <br /> nom next three years another full- impact) is not going to drop - <br /> old�Mme pastor will he chosen to Board member Chuck Lefeb- ing another school in four 50%or go up 50%•;I know that -, ' <br /> m n the new senior pastor and vre said,"To me the question is years.That's my prediction." fora fact." <br /> 24 sociate pastor Rick Skare. very simple. If you're happy One resident said she feels Lastly,a resident questioned <br /> file "There is a lot of commit- with 25 students per class or the public is unaware of the what happens if the referen- <br /> )00 ment at this church,"said Nel- higher, then you don't need a Nov 4 vote. Ziegler said an - <br /> dui doesn't pass. Ziegler said <br /> bias son. "Behind every ministry levy.If not,then we must have informational brochure is the district would limit the hir- <br /> on there are an awful lot of hands revenue to hire teachers." being sent to all district resi-, ing of new teachers,class sizes <br /> of and hearts involved." A resident questioned how dents. would increase,and the district 1 <br /> long this referendum will suf- Another resident questioned would continue to budget with- <br /> fice and if and when the dis- if the district projected out adeouate revenues to hpin <br />