cool monious debate—last week as the city of Rogers and Hassan Township signed an order Question One will ask
<br /> )eis ly annexation agreement. taxpayers for $2�nillion for
<br /> The agreement allows the staged annexation by the city of portions of the township,
<br /> QHS
<br /> while the township gets city utilities to service its Hwy. 101 corridor:
<br /> falo The agreement also protects large amounts of Hassan's open space. DiSt. 728 referer
<br /> will The agreement will eventually bound the two communities together by no later than
<br /> ori '030. / / / /� ^ / The Elk River School District
<br /> 7:3‘ /0'' 'Q3 6 V O1 Z (/ 1l t � ysL.- / esus, port the following three question
<br /> ling
<br /> Question one—operating lev3
<br /> c
<br /> R e r V H � h S�h O I`o- G re e n ' 1 \ogteaching positions that were pre
<br /> ts
<br /> also keep needforce with fuure budget cuts.increasing -solo noted for ener desie Question two—operating lev3gy • Funds from this levy woulc
<br /> Jane
<br /> tkel, books,curriculum and media ma
<br /> :cky by Kathy Hara Europe," said Bratlie. "But it's looking at responsibility to nology and/or technical support.
<br /> ;rat- new technology for Minnesota." kids." Question three bond referer
<br /> hop- "I was shocked,as an archi- In fact, Rogers High School is Fifty years ago, he said, Q es ion to r .r this
<br /> icert tett, that we put our children the first of two High Perfor- school buildings had blown on jests be a includedin700-student by in windowless rooms," said mance buildings in the state, asbestos, lead and mercury in •southern part of the district $
<br /> 'eble Stephan Tanner at an open with the second beingthe dis- the paint, and flat roofs that P
<br /> house at Rogers High School trict's new Westwood Eleinen- produced mold. These and • Construct a 700-student el
<br /> well Tuesday, Oct. 21, which was tary School. other problems have led to an Elk River—$18 million.
<br /> per- sponsored by Energy City The school district is a part- asthma epidemic among school • Construct a planned third
<br /> icert Tanner joined Dr. Ron ner of Energy City,and Bratlie children. Junior High School—$4.2 milli
<br /> Bratlie, director of business is on its board. The organza- At Rogers, students will be ^ • Renovate the Iower level of:
<br /> elec- and operations for the Elk tion, which is under the breathing clean air because of million.
<br /> Gar- River Area School District,and umbrella of the Minnesota the desiccant displacement sys- • Purchase land for future
<br /> med, others to discuss the features Environmental Initiative and tem for heating, ventilation merman and east Elk River loca
<br /> Me" they built into Rogers High Energy Alley, includes'repre- and air conditioning. Air is • Match the state grant of$4
<br /> bled School which make it a "High sentatives of environmental pushed into the rooms at floor el the Handke school facility
<br /> Performance"building. organizations, businesses, level and it then rises natural- • Improve air quality syste
<br /> It all began, said Bratlie, schools, government agencies ly, warming as it rises, and is School and Salk Junior High Sc]
<br /> Sion when he voiced his concerns and community groups. These pulled out at the ceiling level. •Fund repair'and renovation
<br /> .sser about old buildings in the groups work together to find This prevents "dirty air" from out the district—$10 million.
<br /> .chool district with bad roofs and implement innovative being circulated through the
<br /> and problems with mold. Tan- projects such as the High Per- room as in more standard sys- Polling places
<br /> kom ner told him he should go to formance schools. Energy City tems.
<br /> Switzerland and Germany to sponsored the open house to In a tour of the building, in the cit Precinct Rogers,Hassan 5•encompasses all l
<br /> see how buildings "are really recognize the achievements Bratlie pointed out other ,fea- Y
<br /> Ta
<br /> built."And that is what he did. - made in the schoolis energy tures of the school. There areCombined polling place: Rogi
<br /> A team spent a week of long saving designs. skylights in the field house,for Center,21201 Memorial Dr.,Roi
<br /> days — at no expense to tax- "This is not just,another instance,which are part of the Precinct 6:encom asses all
<br /> part- payers, Bratlie pointed out — building," said Bruce Bomier, "100%daylighting"concept. p
<br /> the touring buildings and learning president of the Environmen- in the city of Otsego, city of
<br /> had about sustainable design. tal Resource Council."This is a Michael.
<br /> the "This is not new technology new way of looking at kids and Combined polling place: Otse
<br /> in the United States and the environment.A new wayof RHS ENERGY/see page 11 River Rd.NE,Otsego,MN 5533
<br /> His-
<br /> ,851,
<br /> ns Word of Peace dedicates new home
<br /> pris-
<br /> iated by Kathy Hara ensemble that leads worship time a bell rings, an angel gets
<br /> were • monthly, as well as a folk- its wings,"said Sahlen.
<br /> pew_ Word of Peace Lutheran singing trio,The Three of Us. .:. -- -. , .. .- -
<br /> In addition to the church
<br /> ease, Church (ELCA) in Rogers was "One of the visions I have for choirs, Sahlen has formed the 1
<br /> acing fully moved into its new build- this building is to see it as a OK Chorale,Rogers Communi-
<br /> nited ing at 21705 129th Ave. N. by concert site,"said Mike Sahlen, ty Choir, which will join with
<br /> Friday, Oct. 17, and the first the church's director of music, Voices of Peace in the dedica
<br /> .ussia services were conducted that citing the good acoustics of the tion services and will also pres
<br /> 'cera- weekend. new building. "This is a great ent a Christmas concert at the � . ' h
<br /> Dedication services for this space for choral music." church Sunday,Dec. 7. ni � 3
<br /> first phase of the new church At present, Word of Peace's During the move, Word of r "'�
<br /> ".,?,. building will be Sunday,Nov.2, congregation numbers above Peace did not leave everything '.:::::04:1-;:i.::'::-,::-.-':
<br /> at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m., and 2;500. And many of the mem behind at its 28-year-old build- " k
<br /> ,..:; Wednesday,Nov.5,at 7:37 p.m. bers are musical,judging from ing on Main St."We moved the -°- x = 's
<br /> (The festival services will be a the number of choirs.There is a much beloved stained glass
<br /> : i blend of traditional and con- senior choir called Voices of window," said Sahlen. "It looks
<br /> temporary worship, although Peace, two children's choirs, a very pretty in its new home."
<br /> normally the 8, 9:30 and 11 women's choir called Deo C'zlo-
<br /> a.m. services are traditional rias,and a group called Harmo-
<br /> ntary liturgical,blended and contem- ny,which Sahlen calls a mathe- The three crosses of Word e
<br /> ,. , porary,respectively) matically challenged gospel Rogers was recently moved f
<br />