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dos, market, and retail areas cov- improved building; business of the number of pedestrians on the <br /> ering a whole city block. year..." Pearce says."We measure street.... I can sum it up this way: <br /> • Awards celebrate success success by the number of full/ where there's political will and <br /> "We `Celebrate Success' every empty store-fronts, the vacancy cooperation anything is possible." <br /> year with an event that provides rate, the number of cranes on the Contact: Wayne Pearce, (519) 741- <br /> awards in various categories, i.e., skyline, the parking problem we 2429;fax: (519) 741-2775, email: <br /> most innovative retailer; most didn't have two years ago, the wayne.pearce@ • <br /> change <br /> Philadelphia district offers ship. The participating libraries <br /> What's In Store safety, life seminars will also host free seminars where <br /> • Portland, OR unveils The Center City District of potential buyers can learn about <br /> housing locator Philadelphia offers specialized the home buying and mortgage <br /> programs for downtown office <br /> ten—lending process. The cities include <br /> • Philadelphia district offers Atlanta, Boston, Ft. Worth, <br /> ants. Individualized seminars offer <br /> safety, life seminars Houston, Phoenix, New York's <br /> workers tips on topics like how to <br /> • Library help for low-income prevent identity theft and main borough of Queens, San Francisco, <br /> house hunters taming personal safety when com- <br /> muting. and Washington, DC. <br /> Security surveys of offices Contact:American Library Association, <br /> • Tips for combating graffiti Lara Clark, (312)280-5043, lclark@ <br /> help reduces losses and liabilities. <br /> • Get vacant property tips The district also holds "Safe & <br /> iponline Smart Fairs," free lunchtime events <br /> • Software program simulates in building lobbies during which IDA plans annual <br /> city layout employees can talk directly with conference <br /> police officers, transportation rep- The International Downtown <br /> Portland' OR unveils resentatives, and the district's rep- Association has scheduled its 48th <br /> resentatives about downtown din- annual conference, themed"Buying <br /> housing locator <br /> ing, culture, and sho pping• into city living, from downtowns to <br /> The city of Portland, OR(pop. Contact:Stacy Irving,Director of neighborhoods," in Boston,MA, <br /> 437,319),has developed an online Crime Prevention Services, Center from September 28—October 1, <br /> housing information system. Called City District, (215)440-5500. 2002.The conference will focus on <br /> Housing Connections,the Internet- what it takes to bring the city back <br /> based service is intended to provide Library help for low- to life,from security to marketing, <br /> up-to-date and comprehensive hous- income house hunters from management to development. <br /> ing information for three groups: To help educate low-income Contact:Donna Vaught, director of con- <br /> renters,landlords, and property families about the process of buy- ferences and events, International <br /> managers.The site offers a search- Downtown Association, (202)293-4505, <br /> ing a home,Wells Fargo and the <br /> able housing locator, an affordabili- American Library Association are dvaught, www.ida <br /> ty calculator, a waitlist management providing grants to libraries in <br /> tool, and an online rental applica- eight cities with a high concentra- <br /> tion.The latter two services will be tion of low- to middle-income Tips for combating graffiti <br /> live by this fall.The site is families and minorities. The grants Just starting out developing a <br /> Ask are to be used to buy reference program to combat graffiti? Here <br /> lip Contact:Housing Connections, (503)823- materials on homeownership and are some starting points from the <br /> 4141;staff the financial aspect of homeowner- Nograf Network, an online infor- <br /> September 1, 2002 • Downtown Idea Exchange • 7 <br />