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Idea . , ., �_ <br /> c�arige. <br /> mation source for anti-graffiti —Portland, OR (pop. 437,000), equipment, according to Kathleen <br /> efforts. Richmond,VA (pop. 203,000) and Concannon, director of Safety and <br /> • Establish an 800 number for San Diego (pop. 1.1 million) and Operations for the sanitation <br /> citizens to call in to report graffiti. how they have handled the prob- department. Training centered <br /> • Have a database to record the lem. Each approached the problem around demonstrations of the <br /> calls/locations. in varying ways, from aggressive effectiveness of the vests in dark <br /> •Take digital photos of each code and law enforcement to part- conditions,including turning off <br /> location prior to being cleaned. nering with local community the lights and showing videos of <br /> • Create a database to hold development communities. the vests in various nighttime con- <br /> these pictures as well as victim Contact:ICMA, (202)289-4262. ditions. "That's where the under <br /> information, cost, and suspect standing began," says Concannon. <br /> information. IEDC hosts annual Contact:Donna Fleming, 3M Corp., <br /> • Graffiti must be removed conference (651) 736-7646, dfleming <br /> within 24 hours with attention to The International Economic <br /> removal within the first few hours program <br /> Development Council's annual simulates city layout <br /> la <br /> around schools and high traffic conference will take place in <br /> areas. Oakland, CA, from September Software from a company <br /> • The police should allocate 22_25. The conference will focus called Community Viz allows urban <br /> one full-time officer that is inter on a number of issues facing planners to build photo-realistic 3-D <br /> ested in graffiti. municipalities, including brown interactive models of their land-use <br /> • Offer free paint and roller/ fields, economic development, and proposals, conduct "fly-throughs," 0 <br /> brushes to groups who want to do transportation trends. and consider alternate designs in <br /> clean up and/or paint outs in their Contact:www real time. The company says its <br /> community. Conference/home.html, (202)223-7800. <br /> software has been used for forest- <br /> Conference/home.html, <br /> • Use a water power washer in fire risk management in Missoula, <br /> addition to paint crews. Chicago educates city MT (pop. 43,000), affordable <br />, ranbud@ workers on vest benefits housing planning in Steamboat <br /> Springs, CO (pop. 6,695); and sce- <br /> In an effort to boost safety nario comparisons in Santa Fe, <br /> Get vacant properties tips among its city sanitation workers, NM (pop. 56,000). The software <br /> Online from ICMA Chicago (pop. 2.8 million) imple- costs from $3,000:to $5,000 <br /> mented a safety training program depending on features desired. <br /> The International City/County to coincide with the purchase of Case studies and additional infor- <br /> Management Association (ICMA) new reflective vests from 3M. mation are available at the compa- <br /> has established an online resource Sanitation workers were reluctant ny website. <br /> page and discussion group to trade to wear vests, largely because they Contact: CommunityViz, www.communi- <br /> ideas about dealing with vacant weren't viewed as a piece of safety, (303)442-8800. • <br /> properties.The site, <br /> issueintersections/vacantproperties. Stay in touch <br /> cfm, offers free online documents <br /> and a link to related websites, and Is your downtown doing something innovative, in anything from <br /> maintains an email discussion economic development to trash pickup? Please contact Jeanne <br /> group of government professionals O'Brien Coffey, editor, at jobrien Great <br /> dealing with abandoned properties ideas will be featured in upcoming issues. And don't forget to visit us <br /> and vacant lots. Included on the on the Web for a calendar of events and free planning resources. • <br /> site are case studies of three cities Thank you for your continued support. d <br /> 8 • Downtown Idea Exchange • September 1, 2002 <br />