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One-stop shopping for economic incentives speeds <br /> development and revitalizes Canadian community's downtown 0 <br /> A streamlined process for clean up graffiti and streets, worked waiving of development charges. <br /> assisting developers and offering with bar owners and the police to Here are some highlights of the <br /> economic incentives has led to a deal with drunken rowdies," he package: <br /> burst of new development in recalls. •The tax rebate offered by the <br /> Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (pop. city, equal to 50 percent of the city's <br /> 200,000). Self-supporting facade <br /> improvement program portion of the property tax increase <br /> "We have adopted a `One Stop attributed to the improvements,is <br /> Shopping' approach, where one They also kick-started a finan valid for three years, starting in the <br /> person coordinates, based on clear- cial incentive program. The first <br /> p year following occupancy. <br /> ly established guidelines and pro- piece of the economic incentive <br /> strategy was a Loan •The funding for feasibility <br /> cedures," says Wayne Pearce, gy studies, equal to 50 percent of the <br /> architectural technologist and Program. Launched in 1992, it is <br /> loans/incentives coordinator for the now a(CAN) $2 million self-sup- value of the study up to $10,000, is <br /> city of Kitchener. "Some projects porting fund that intended to support <br /> move at light speed, so you must provides financial the renovation and <br /> y P <br /> b P "The entire focus of conversion of target- <br /> have a flexible system to keep up assistance to the <br /> with them. Otherwise, you're part owners of down- City Hall was switched ed adaptive reuse <br /> I <br /> of the problem." regulator commercial from that of a <br /> properties who of red tape to a cooper- •All municipal <br /> Planning decisions application fees for <br /> favored the periphery want to make ating service provider.” demolition and <br /> The incentive program improvements to building peunits, fb <br /> launched in the mid-1990s, after a either the exterior <br /> or interior of their buildings. For site plan approvals, occupancy cer- <br /> few boom decades were followed b ' tificates, and sign permits are eligi- <br /> by an economic bust, Pearce says. any one municipal address, the <br /> maximum loan is (CAN) $7,500 ble for rebate by the city upon final <br /> At that time, "many planning deci- ( ) $ 500 for inspection of the completed project <br /> sions favored development on the the exterior and an additional <br /> and with approval of council. <br /> periphery rather than in the down- (CAN) $7,500 for the interior. <br /> town," he says, and downtown fell Larger buildings with more than Change in attitude <br /> into a combination of empty store- one tenant are assessed on an indi- Economic incentives aside, <br /> fronts, high vacancy rates for office vidual basis, with a maximum of Pearce says perhaps the most <br /> and retail, run-down buildings, (CAN) $45,000 for any one owner. important part of the program is <br /> absentee landlords, and an over- The city forgives 15 percent of the the attitude of the municipal gov- <br /> abundance of marginalized people, loan, and interest rates are fixed at ernment. "The entire focus of City <br /> he recalls. 8 percent for the five-year term of Hall was switched from that of a <br /> In the mid-1990s, a new mayor the loan. regulator of red tape to a cooperat- <br /> refocused strategies to revitalize ing service provider," Pearce says. <br /> Broad package <br /> downtown, creating a task force to "For example, our building inspec- <br /> of problems and solutions of financial incentives tion staff is available to meet with <br /> This program was followed in <br /> ranging from reversing one-way potential developers to review <br /> streets, forming partnerships with 1996 by some planning concessions existing buildings and discuss <br /> arts groups, and building new park- relating to park dedication fees and building code issues <br /> ing garages. "We encouraged local parking requirements, followed in The formula seems to be <br /> ownership and control, went 1997 by a package of incentives working. The latest in a string of • <br /> through the downtown enforcing including tax rebates, funding for new projects is the Kitchener <br /> property standards and fire safety feasibility studies, rebates for build- Market. Currently under construc- <br /> requirements, used city crews to ing permits and planning fees, and tion, it's a joint venture with con- <br /> 6 • Downtown Idea Exchange • September 1, 2002 <br />