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trian ambience, and it doesn't nec- imagination, but we do know that "We use it as a one-stop shop <br /> essarily provide much light on the we have some larger blocks of to get an idea of who is expanding <br /> • sidewalks,"Macdonald says. Plans land that are likely going to be and what kind of space they're <br /> also call for new trash receptacles, filled by something that can be looking for," Macdonald says. "It <br /> bike racks, information kiosks, and sustained on that big a piece of cuts down on some of the legwork <br /> signage. property," she says. "The town and for us" <br /> the residents seem very receptive Macdonald says DealMakers <br /> Courting family-friendly to that." has helped SAP to think specifical- <br /> national chains ly about the space that is available <br /> In response to community Newsletter assists on Springfield Avenue, and the <br /> plans to focus retail retail search <br /> desires, SAP <br /> P types of retailers that would be <br /> recruitment for the corridor, which SAP is just a year old, so the interested in that space. "Based on <br /> has a vacancy rate of around 12 organization is still in the planning <br /> y what the community is asking for, <br /> percent, on restaurants and retail stages for retail recruitment, but it we can use this to cross-reference <br /> with a family focus. "We have a lot has started making some prelimi- to find retailers that match with the <br /> of leakage —people leaving nary contacts, based partly upon property we have available, so <br /> Maplewood to shop," Macdonald information gleaned from a we're not going in cold-calling <br /> says. "We're seeking more family- newsletter called DealMakers. The when we might not have things that <br /> friendly offerings—restaurants national weekly publication, put fit with them. It just allows us to be <br /> and specialty stores like gift and out by TKO/Real Estate Advisory a bit more informed when we do <br /> card shops. Shoe stores is also a Group in Mercerville, NJ, focuses our searches." <br /> really big one on the list." One way on retailing and real estate and <br /> Contacts: <br /> SAP is hoping to fill that need is offers information on expanding Beth Anne Macdonald, Spring- <br /> SAP Avenue Partnership, (973) 763- <br /> 3- <br /> with national chains, she adds. retailers, centers for sale and lease, 6011, email:springfieldave <br /> "We're not trying to create a shop- and insight into what's happening Deal-Makers newsletter, www property. <br /> ioping mall by any stretch of the in the industry. corn. • <br /> Heat-stamping provides an economical alternative to brick pavers' <br /> With a high-traffic roadway running down the Statewide employs technology from Integrated <br /> center of its streetscape project, defining the two-mile Paving Concepts in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. <br /> Springfield Avenue corridor district in Maplewood, NJ, While the process is typically applied to fresh pave- <br /> is difficult yet important for slowing cars and alert- ment, in Maplewood's case, Statewide used infrared <br /> ing drivers to the possibility of pedestrians.To create light to heat already-set pavement to apply the <br /> a visual definition for the district,Maplewood chose imprint,which looks like grout lines in traditional brick <br /> to use a heat imprint technique to mimic the look of pavers.The templates come in a variety of patterns <br /> cobblestones on the street,with a herringbone pat- such as herringbone, brick, cobblestone, or random <br /> tern for the crosswalks. stone. A fortifying polymer/cement surfacing system, <br /> According to Mike Plath, director of marketing <br /> available in several colors, seals the surface. <br /> and sales for Statewide Striping in Parsippany, NJ, Plath says the look is very similar to traditional <br /> which did the work in Maplewood, this heat-stamp- pavers. "If you drove over it, you'd think it's brick," <br /> ing process costs about half the price of pavers, he says. The process, with occasional reapplication <br /> and tends to be more durable. of the polymer topcoat, is intended to last the life of <br /> the pavement, he adds. <br /> "Brick pavers are a problem, especially on roads <br /> like [Springfield Avenue] because, while they look Contact:Mike Plath, Statewide Striping Corp., 499 <br /> NJ 07054, (973)428-0600; <br /> nice, they heave in a freeze-frost cycle and become Pomeroy Rd., Parsippany, <br /> Integrated Paving Concepts, Suite 102, 17957 55th Ave.,. <br /> 1110 a trip hazard," Plath says. In addition, brick pavers Surrey,British Columbia, CAN V3S 6C4, (604)574-7510; <br /> take much longer to install and are very susceptible Fax:(604)574-7520.', email: <br /> to vibrations from heavy traffic. <br /> September 1, 2002 • Downtown Idea Exchange • 5 <br />