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it's lack of space.The owner of the ing to house the post office, which invested millions of dollars in the <br /> property leased by the USPS in attracts several hundred customers a Pineapple Grove neighborhood, and <br /> downtown Delray Beach doesn't day, Glenn Weiss, executive director a visit to the post office provides a • <br /> want to renew.With of Pineapple Grove way for regular people to discover <br /> no budget to build a �� Main Street, says the transformed neighborhood. `"The <br /> facility, and little If somebody's lost in that his research post office is extremely significant to <br /> vacant space down- the neighborhood, indicates that it's <br /> the success of our business district,„ <br /> town suitable to they're looking for the a money-losing Weiss says. "If somebody's lost in <br /> house the whole post office.” proposition. The the neighborhood,they're looking for <br /> facility, including only privately run <br /> post office boxes, a post office in the the post office.Without that public <br /> sorting facility, and counter service, area loses$60,000 to $70,000 a facility draw,we lose a great deal" <br /> the USPS is seeking a private busi- year.According to Weiss, the post Contacts:Krishna Murray, Downtown <br /> ness to take over its operations, office has not been very forthcom- Encinitas MainStreet Association, (760) <br /> which will require about 4,000 ing or responsive in working with 943-1950; Glenn Weiss, Pineapple Grove <br /> Main Street, gw;Paul <br /> square feet and parking.While the the community to keep services Bruhn, executive director of the <br /> USPS is willing to provide some downtown. Preservation Trust of Vermont, (802) <br /> incentives to a private company will- Weiss says the city has recently 658-6647,paul • <br /> Cornerstone of redevelopment effort -continued from page 1 <br /> "All our plans were contingent hosts several auto body shops, car gateway designs at either end of • <br /> on taking back the highway,"says dealerships, and other businesses the corridor to clearly designate <br /> Macdonald. "That was such a big geared toward motorists. There- that travelers have entered <br /> step—you can't change anything if fore, the city's plans include Maplewood. The SAP is the second <br /> it's under State Department of acknowledging the heavy vehicular special improvement district in <br /> Transportation jurisdiction" corridor, but creating within that Maplewood. The first is what is <br /> Taking the street back is some pedestrian-friendly nodes. more traditionally considered the <br /> expected to cost the municipality "We're trying to shore up what area's downtown, where the train <br /> about$100,000 a have traditionally station is located. <br /> year in upkeep, been the more <br /> according to the "All our plans were pedestrian-traffic Matching the streetscape <br /> Newark Star Ledger, contingent on taking areas," Macdonald elements to the use <br /> but the state is pay- back the highway." says.While firm Streetscaping will separate the <br /> ing for the current plans haven't been motorist-friendly areas from the <br /> paving and imprint- established, this pedestrian-friendly ones. For exam <br /> ing new crosswalks, as well as may even include relocating some ple, the car dealerships and other <br /> providing an extra$2 million in businesses—perhaps asking a drive-up areas will feature larger <br /> discretionary aid for the strip. business like an insurance compa- trees, while the pedestrian zones <br /> Creating a pedestrian-friendly ny that doesn't generate a lot of will have smaller-scale trees, <br /> enclave on a busy street foot traffic to move to a second planters and benches. The city also <br /> Taking control of the corridor floor to free up space for ground plans to install pedestrian-scale <br /> doesn't change its primary func- floor retail. Plans also call for tra- lighting. "Because we're on the <br /> tion, however—carrying a lot of ditional traffic-calming measures state highway, we've always had • <br /> car traffic from one point to anoth- like bump-outs to help create a this very high overhead lighting, <br /> er. The two-mile corridor also safer area for pedestrians, and new but it doesn't provide much pedes- <br /> 4 • Downtown Idea Exchange • September 1, 2002 <br />