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her department has had to put much more empha- remainder coming from membership dues and <br /> sis on zoning, not planning, due to lack of fundraising events. This taxing district, known <br /> resources. It is the city planning function that usu- elsewhere as a Business Improvement District, pro- <br /> ally is more relevant to downtown development vides a level of funding security for a downtown <br /> efforts than is the zoning function. That being said, organization. In 2000,St. Charles was awarded the <br /> both parties agreed that the Heart of Danville has prestigious Great American Main Street award. <br /> not actively sought the assistance and involvement <br /> of this department in downtown projects and plans. Catalyst for a Strong Partnership <br /> The private/public partnership that prevails <br /> ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS between DSCP and the city of St. Charles is exem- <br /> The city of St. Charles (pop. 28,000)was found- platy. The catalyst for this strong relationship was <br /> ed in 1834 and is located 30 miles west of Chicago. an announcement from the Illinois Department of <br /> Positioned in the fast growing and highly populat- Transportation in the mid-1990s that the Main <br /> ed western suburbs, it is surrounded by larger sub- Street Bridge (State Highway 64) would require <br /> urban cities such as Elgin, Aurora and Naperville. extensive repairs and road widening. <br /> The downtown lies on both sides of the Fox River The city and DSCP joined forces to mobilize pub- <br /> and is bisected by three state highways—including lic reaction and to inject community ideas for the <br /> Main Street (Illinois Highway 64) —that generate a redesign of the bridge into the planning process. <br /> tremendous volume of pass through commuter traf- The redesigned bridge was completed in 1997 and <br /> fir. Two landmark buildings dominate the down- included many of the design elements requested by <br /> town skyline: the recently renovated Hotel Baker on this partnership, including four attractive pedestri- <br /> the west bank of the river and the Municipal an canopies, overlooks, wide sidewalks, benches <br /> Building,a distinctive Art Moderne structure with its and landscaping. <br /> 84 foot tower erected in 1940, on the east bank. In The process of working together also set the <br /> recent years, restaurants and antiques stores have foundation for the continuously strong working <br /> become the focus of downtown commercial activity relationship that has endured. Robert Hupp, <br /> St. Charles joined the Main Street program in Community Development director for the city, said <br /> 1995 with the establishment of the Downtown St. that today"there is wide consensus in City Hall that <br /> Charles Partnership(DSCP). The DSCP profession- the downtown is critical to the city's future and that <br /> • al staff includes an executive director and a market- working hand-in-hand with DSCP is a key to that <br /> ing director, both hired in 2001. A full-time mar- future." <br /> keting director provides DSCP with tremendous The city makes substantial financial contribu- <br /> opportunities to spend more time on promotions, tions to the downtown organization. It administers <br /> event coordination and marketing activities than the special services tax district wherein downtown <br /> would otherwise be feasible. The organization is property is subjected to an extra tax that funnels <br /> governed by the five-person executive committee,a funds directly into DSCP for downtown projects <br /> board of directors with eight voting members and and events. The city also has earmarked money for <br /> seven ex-officio members, and has spawned five specific downtown projects, such as streetscape <br /> standing committees: Marketing & Promotion, improvements, the downtown strategy plan and a <br /> Organization,Design,Economic Restructuring,and proposed parking structure, from the city's general <br /> Parking&Traffic. All but the last committee corre funds. Moreover, the city has set up a generous <br /> sponds with the four elements of the Main Street facade improvement grant program that Mayor Sue <br /> approach. Klinkhamer declares is "probably the most gener- <br /> A special service-taxing district was created for ous in the state." In 2001, for example, $150,000 <br /> the downtown that generates approximately 75 per- was made available for facade improvements on <br /> cent of DSCP's annual operating funds, with the downtown buildings. <br /> The city council and the mayor are both intri- <br /> cately involved with DSCP. Two city aldermen sit <br /> on the DSCP Board of Directors. And Mayor <br /> The rivate/p ublic Partnership that Prevails <br /> Klinkhamer's support and commitment to down- <br /> between DSCP and the city of St. Charles is exem- town and the Main Street approach would be the <br /> platy. The catalyst for this strong relationship was envy of most communities. Beyond being a strong <br /> advocate for DSCP, she has attended several <br /> an announcement f rom the Illinois Department o <br /> f National Main Street annual conferences, served as <br /> Transportation in the mid-1990s that the Main a juror for the 2002 Great American Main Street <br /> Street Bridge (State Highway 64) would require selection process and is the only elected official who <br /> extensive repairs and road widening. sits on the Illinois Main Street Council. <br /> L <br /> 56 Economic Development Journal / Fall 2002 <br />