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Alliance with the Community Development <br /> ' Department It is essential to build and continuously nurture strong lines of <br /> DSCP has maintained a formidable alliance with communication with the multitude of players who comprise city <br /> the city's Community Development Department, <br /> dwhich includes planning, zoning and economic government city administrator, mayor, members of city council <br /> evelopment. For instance, DSCP Executive and hey city department heads (i.e., planning, economic devel <br /> Director Neil Smith sits on the City Planning opment, engineering). Because the players change frequently <br /> Commission to ensure linkages and communication. <br /> Two recent projects illustrate the strength of this due to elections and job turnover, the communication must be an <br /> relationship. ongoing effort. Having the city on board'helps tremendously in <br /> First,the department worked together with DSCP convincing others in the community of the value and merit of <br /> to produce a downtown strategy plan in 2000. This specific downtown projects. <br /> document contains goals and strategies for many <br /> aspects of downtown St. Charles and has served the <br /> planning and development process admirably since <br /> its completion. PRINCIPLES FOR EFFECTIVE DOWNTOWN <br /> Second, and a direct result of the strategy plan, is PARTNERING <br /> the current efforts to enhance the Fox River river- Based on these two case studies plus numerous <br /> front and the adjacent 1st Street corridor. Both of other communities that the author has worked with <br /> these areas are dominated by surface parking lots in recent years, a number of principles emerge that <br /> and therefore are tremendously underutilized. A underscore successful downtown partnerships. <br /> special committee, consisting of representatives Establish strong interconnections with City Hall. <br /> from DSCP, the Community Development Having the city government committed to a healthy <br /> Department and the Park District, has been estab- downtown is an invaluable asset for a downtown <br /> lished to work on implementing some of the ideas organization, as well as the overall community, to <br /> set forth in the strategy plan. These include making possess. The establishment of a reliable funding <br /> improvements on shoreline restoration,connectivity source is one obvious benefit. Ina national survey <br /> between downtown buildings and the river's edge, of Main Street programs conducted by the author in <br /> economic development along 1st Street and contin 2001, 33 of the 39 programs received annual fund <br /> uous river access. This is a long-term effort that may ing from the city, accounting for an average of 33 <br /> ake up to 20 years to complete,but the foundation percent of their total budget. But a formidable part- <br /> as been established. nership goes much deeper than funding. <br /> It is essential to build and continuously nurture <br /> Maintaining Effective Linkages strong lines of communication with the multitude of <br /> Two mechanisms help to maintain effective link- <br /> ages players who comprise city govemment—city admin <br /> with other organizations in St. Charles that istrator,mayor,members of city council and key city <br /> share goals with DSCP. One mechanism is the DSCP <br /> bylaws that require the following individuals to <br /> serve as ex-officio members of the DSCP Board of � k�;�� ' 4 ' i -` � " <br /> Directors: Chamber of Commerce president, direc- < " �' ",,•tor of the Convention &Visitors Bureau (CVB), the " l ' <br /> city administrator and two city alderman. This °` ��o a <br /> te <br /> helps to bring key players to the DSCP table on a 1 � � <br /> regular basis and to ensure steady level of commu g% <br /> nrication regarding downtown issues. "This is the A e ' 1 � , <br /> one piece of advice I ive to any new Main Street � �; t : �. <br /> program," said Kaye Siblik, DSCP president, under- , � �r -scoring the importance of having representation of Y ' <br /> other organizations and the city on your board. 3 � 1:.!:1'.,17:1111:-:47,. ..7,71:4. �' <br /> A second mechanism is the existence <br /> Community Promotions Alliance that includes <br /> DSCP, Chamber of Commerce, school district, CVB, <br /> —� <br /> library Park District, and city government. <br /> Representatives from these organizations meet t :,,,t,monthly to coordinate event and promotion en ,, ,. . y,r <br /> dars and to share resources for community events. �' � �� <br /> he enhanced communications and organizational <br /> lationships that are nurtured yield benefits that <br /> extend far beyond events and promotions. Heavy traffic along Main Street(Illinois Highway 64)is commonplace in downtown St.Charles. <br /> 57 <br /> Economic Development Journal / Fall 2002 <br />