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Another important link is with Constitution <br /> Square State Historic Site that anchors the eastern 1 <br /> part of downtown and is a tourist destination. Theme s <br /> site's executive director has been extremely active � .~ � <br /> .th the Heart of Danville,serving as an officer and „ ---.., <br /> airing several standing committees over the � ' ;::;;::.Z,44':4:;:i.?::4: :117;77..j:''::;,Fu71!r'':!i.,::'' ° <br /> years. It is extremely valuable to have these two � i °' <br /> institutions, each anchoring opposite ends of �f � sic <br /> s a w _ 4444E ^ - :: : m <br /> downtown, so deeply active in the downtown -.� � " i <br /> organization. _ �b g s a , e °� ? $,::,-.„7,:::,.: <br /> a1 <br /> Finally, the Chamber of Commerce, housed in � r" � <br /> the same building as the Heart of Danville,has been � 1� <br /> a long time supporter. It played a key role in estab- <br /> r <br /> lishing the Main Street program in Danville in the �� as€�:�t3:rr rya .� <br /> 1980s and the two continue to work together pn l .�.11 numerous downtown events and promotions. 1 <br /> i <br /> Partners at Work .. .+ .. _1 ,�-�;, a, <br /> Special situations arise in which downtown part- .--- <br /> nerships are put to the test and must mobilize. Two buildings on Main Street were recent recipients of facade improvement grants provided by <br /> Such a situation emerged in 1997 when the United the Heart of Danville. <br /> States Postal Service (USPS) announced plans to <br /> relocate the post office from downtown t o t he out- <br /> skirts of Danville. Anticipating the possibility of Filling this building was identified as the number <br /> this relocation, the Heart of Danville, the CDC and one issue facing Danville at a community-wide <br /> the city began planning two years prior to the CDC forum held in 1999. <br /> announcement. They were therefore prepared for Over the years, the Heart of Danville has teamed <br /> action when the official notification came down with its partners to incrementally address this <br /> from USPS. The Heart of Danville and CDC gener- major challenge. The city successfully purchased <br /> ated ample publicity and public support for the the parking structure in 1997. Then in 1999, the <br /> st office issue, leading to a standing room only state provided $1 million to purchase the remain- <br /> oblic meeting with USPS held at City y Hall. der of the Hub Building. The building would be <br /> wring the meeting, citizens spoke with emotion temporarily owned by the newly formed 3rd Street <br /> and conviction about the importance to the corn- Development Corporation, co-administered by <br /> munity of keeping the post office downtown. CDC and the Heart of Danville,until a buyer could <br /> After the meeting, a USPS official from be secured. These two organizations are actively <br /> Washington D.C. told Mayor Stevens "you really looking for buyers and tenants. One strong possi- <br /> got our attention." Subsequently,community lead- bility is nearby Eastern Kentucky University,which <br /> ers worked with the USPS to a) scale back their would use a large part of the building for a branch <br /> original requirements for five acres of land for their campus facility in Danville. The plan is for retail, <br /> new facility, b) find a three-acre downtown parcel office and restaurant businesses to occupy the <br /> on the eastern edge of downtown, c)negotiate with remainder of the building. The goal is to have this <br /> several private property owners to assemble the key downtown building occupied again by 2005. <br /> parcel, d) purchase the land and sell it to the LISPS Given the high level of partnering in downtown <br /> and e)work with the USPS on issues such as place- Danville, it was somewhat surprising to observe <br /> ment of the building and parking on the property that the relationship between the Heart of Danville <br /> and building design and materials. When the new and the city's Planning and Zoning Department was <br /> post office opened for business in January 2001, it not very well developed. In many cities,including <br /> showed how strong partners could work together St. Charles, Illinois, it is recognized that the plan- <br /> to preserve an important downtow asset. department can be an instrumental <br /> n li <br /> teammate <br /> Another example of these partners at work is the in the downtown development process. In <br /> ongoing effort to address the problems presented Danville, however, the only time the two worked <br /> by the long-vacant Hub Building, strategically closely together was when zoning changes were <br /> located at downtown Danville's peak land value required as part of designating the downtown his- <br /> intersection. The 79,000-square-foot structure was tonic commercial district. <br /> home to Hub Department Store—the retail anchor The Planning and Zoning Department has not <br /> of downtown — until 1995. Other parts of this been involved with either the Post Office or Hub <br /> 4111kPmlex web of connected buildings once housed a Building projects, and it has little to do with the <br /> ovie theatre, a hotel and a parking structure. Architectural Review Board. Part of the explana- <br /> tion, admits Planning Director Paula Berg, is that <br /> Economic Development Journal / Fall 2002 55 <br />