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Parliamentary <br /> Procecl u re <br /> become property of the entire Commission, and you cannot <br /> change it without the consent of the Commission. <br /> 5. The Chairperson then asks, "Are you ready for the <br /> question?". If yes, he/she says, "All in favor of the motion <br /> say `aye ". Then, "All opposed, say `no ". <br /> motes <br /> 6. If a majority of the commissioners vote in favor of the <br /> motion, the Chairperson says, "The motion carries". If a <br /> majority are opposed, he/she says "The motion is lost (fails)". <br /> 7. To withdraw a motion: Before it has been repeated by the <br /> Chairperson, the maker of a motion may withdraw it. After it <br /> has been repeated by the Chairperson, the maker may <br /> withdraw it, if no one objects. <br /> 8. To amend a motion before a vote has been taken, a motion <br /> may be amended by saying, "I move to amend the motion by <br /> " The Commission then votes on the amendment before <br /> discussing and voting on the original motion. <br /> 9. To end debate and call for a vote on the motion say, "I move <br /> the previous question". After the motion is seconded, the <br /> Chairperson says, "Shall the main question be now put?". No <br /> discussion is allowed on this motion, and it requires a 2/3 <br /> vote to carry. If the motion carries, all debate instantly stops <br /> and the Chairperson calls for a vote on the previous <br /> question/motion. <br /> 10. To complain about conditions such as heat, noise,etc., say, "I <br /> raise a question of privilege". This is a device that permits a <br /> commissioner to bring up an urgent matter for consideration <br /> immediately. You may interrupt a speaker with this device; <br /> you do not need a second; there is no debate, and no vote is <br /> taken. <br /> Minnesota Planning Association <br /> Citizen Planner Handbook Parliamentary Procedure Page 51 <br />