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THE PLANNING UNIVERSE <br /> PLANNING STAFF <br /> Understand What Your oped by you and your predeces- agency should be managed.You <br /> Planning Staff Does sors. should have more than enough <br /> to do studying the issues and <br /> Planning commissioners may Your job is to temper their rec- making policy decisions. ... <br /> well be unaware of the amount ommendations with information <br /> of time that staff spends in deal- developed during the hearing Control your public behavior. <br /> ing with major or controversial which was not available to the Never be guilty of berating, <br /> requests.Staff may have met staff. It is not unusual for a staff downgrading or insulting the <br /> and talked numerous times with to voluntarily reverse or change staff at a public meeting. Yes,it <br /> neighbors and the applicant to the details of its recommenda- can be embarrassing if citizens <br /> resolve the issues. In essence, tion during the course of a hear- point out apparent errors in staff <br /> staff often "lives and breathes" ing' reports or presentations. The <br /> these requests for months at a public meeting,however,is not <br /> time. r q From, "The Riggins Rules, #30 the place to find out what hap- <br /> ly 31"by Fred Riggins (PCJ pened or why... in most cases, <br /> From, `Planning from Different #13) a quiet discussion with staff <br /> Perspectives,"by Carolyn L. away from the public can work <br /> Braun (PC]#24) A Working Relationship out seeming discrepancies or <br /> g P disagreements. <br /> Don't forget that the staff is Effective staff/commission rela- Reward good work. A simple <br /> there to help you in any way tions are vital to the overall suc- "thank you--you did a great <br /> possible. It s composed of very cess of planning in your com- job last night before that group <br /> P P ry munity,whether your planning of hostile homeowners" can be <br /> capable professional people with agency has one, ten, or one just the right comment to uplift <br /> vast experience. Lean on them hundred employees. Good will a harassed lannin staff when <br /> heavily. They can pull you out and an understanding of the it a ears the whole town has <br /> of many a bad spot if you give pitfalls that impede sound rela- taken up arms against them. <br /> sit and let chance.. Othey o do problems tionships can help you solve any Take your planning director to <br /> problems that may arise. lunch. Praise a particular piece <br /> not give them the respect which P P <br /> is their due. Remember that Resist the temptation to "micro- of staff work at a public meet- <br /> their usual practice is to remain manage." After you have been ing. ... There are all manner of <br /> silent unless they are specifically on the job any time at all,you ways you can--and should -- <br /> asked to comment. Most of will become more familiar with reward your often overworked <br /> them consider it presumptuous and undervalued planners. <br /> p p planning jargon,and the rules <br /> and unprofessional to inject any and regulations of your com- There will always be some ten- <br /> unsolicited comments into the munity, than most citizens. Still, sion between commissioners <br /> hearings.Always ask them to you are not expected to be a and staff; you have different re- <br /> comment prior to the final vote. professional planner. Indeed, sponsibilities and, often, differ- <br /> you not take staff recommenda- you would be less effective as a ent perspectives. But the sooner <br /> [ions It take These recommenda- citizen planning commissioner you can develop a creative part- <br /> if you were. nership and the more you can <br /> dations are made after much P -- Y <br /> study by professional people Even if you are a successful pro- nurture it-- the better it will be <br /> with years of experience in their fessional or businessperson, it is for everyone. <br /> field and are based on pertinent not appropriate to try to tell the From, "Staff Needs a Little TLC, <br /> laws, ordinances,regulations, planning director whom to hire Too!,"by Elaine Cogan (PCJ#3) <br /> policies, and practices devel- or fire or how you think the <br />