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FEB-89-2006 17 41 LERGUE OF MN CITIES 6512811299 P.04 <br />(1'1/US/0600:03 PM HOUSG RGS1iARCH 1Mn L)D116 <br />?.I Suhd. 9. Puhlic nuisance. 'public nuisance" ntcans [public nuisancu under <br />..z section 609.74, <br />!-? Subd. 10, Public service rnrporalion 'Public carnnration" means ~ uublic utili(v' <br />3,~ i!as, electric, tclephooe or cahlc comnlullltaliOnS company COOpeI"allvC aSSOCitliOn~ <br />? S n:uw'nl ~•as pinelinc cgmpanv; cntde oil orpctraleum products pipeline comp mr <br />ab plunicinal tnility~ municipality when oucra[ing its municinallY owned u[ililiei; tn- <br />?? municipal nowet' aeutcv as ylhcrwise reeulale~ under chanters 237 300 and 30oA. <br />?~s Suh[L 1 L Puhlic u5c, public purpose {n)'Public uu" ur "uublic nurnoce' meins, <br />?.'1 exclusively: - <br />', w I the ioygession occunatimt owpershin, and eniovment of the land by the xt:neral <br />7. i i public, or bV public a encics~ <br />?.i~ 2 the cre.ttion or lunctionin^ of 'I public acrvict: -ornortlian• or <br />+.i? (3) mitication of ^ blighted area rcmcdiation of an envirounenhlly cont~unistlcd <br />?~ia ~rrt, reduction of ahandoncd ro ert pr removal of a ublic nuisance. <br />+~ Is h Thcpublic benefits nt' economic development including an inerelse in tax base <br />7. i e tax revenues em to mcnt. or enertl economic health. do not by themselves consliwm <br />? u :Jntblic use or public nurnoce <br /> Sec. 3. [117.0271 CONDFMNATION FOR RI IGHTMITIGATION <br />?.iii CONTAMINA'1'fON RCMCDIATION <br />?.2u Subdivision 1. Npn-dilapidated buildings in areas of bli ht tniti ation• absolute <br />?~~ ~ necessity. bt takiu ro urL to miti ate bli hl. a condemning authority mull not lake <br />?„ non-dila idalcd buildin sin the area unless it is absulutcl ncccssar in order to remove <br />?.a? the dilapidated buildings, <br />~.z4 Subd. 2. Uncontaminated property iu environmental contamination <br />?ss remedialion areas• absolute necessity In taking nrpnerty to remediate environmental <br />? 2e contamination. a condenutit~ aulhori tv must not take uncontaminated mtcels in the arel <br />+ 2~ unless it is absolutely necessary in order to comolete mmcdi tLion of the contaminated area <br />? zs Subd_3. Contribution to condition by developer disallowed if a developer <br />3.29 involved in the rcdevclonmwu of the proicct area conaibuted to the bli~h[ or envil rntment tl <br />?.?o wntaminalion within the nroiect ve i Us condition cong'ibuted to by the devclopa must <br />?.?I not he used in the detem?inatiolt oC bli~,hl Or enviropmztital contamination. <br />?.?z sec. 4, [117.(1311 AT"fO1tNI:Y FP;P:S. <br />?' (u) II thu final judgment or •tw•ud for d;imaxes, as determined at any Icvcl in the <br />??~+ etnlnem domain procea or by the narti~s themselves. is more than 20 ucrcctn eresstrr Ih~tn <br />Via: 4, <br />? <br />