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FEB-89-2096 17.41 LERGUE OF MN CITIES 6S12B11299 P.03 <br />07J08/UG 00:07 PM 110USf3 R145EARCH IMA DDl l li <br />2 i o~hcr general nr special law aulhori-rin~ the •zerci a of thq~[uwcr of cminem domain, the <br />2.1 worth. terms, and phrases dofined in this section have the meanings given [hom. <br />z., Subd. 2. 'Caking. Tnkipg and all words and phrases of like import include every <br />~~ interlcrence, antler the right of cminem (lomain, wish the possession, enjoyment, m' value <br />as of private property. <br />'z.r, Suhd. ]. Owner. "Owu~.r" includes all persgns intt~e~leel-jtracteFt with anv interest <br />z? in the pmpetgy spb~ucl„~o a taking. whether tl. proprietors, tcnantc, life estate holders. <br />-',~ cncumbrancets. beneficial interest holders, or MI)CI'wise. <br />2.~ Subd. a. Cpndetnuine aulhndty. "Condenmine authority" mcans'mv person or <br />i, nl untity wish the power gf eminent domain. <br />?. i i Subd, 5. Abandoned property.,_Abnndoncd properly" means proper[v not occupied <br />^^-~i? by alerson with a Ic~,al or eglii,tablc ri<•ht to occupy it and For which the candcmnin <br />z.i7 amhofi.(y is unable u) identify and conltlcl the owns despite makiue relsonable elforls. <br />z.ia Subd. G. [ili~ht_,.` ed area, (a) "I?li=bled ;lre[I" means, exclusively at the lime of ,~ <br />z. i5 condemnation, an area' (1) [hart is zoned end aced I`or urban use' and (2) where mote than <br />2.Ir 50 percent of the buildings ~ ~e dilauidulcd <br />z n Sul.xl, 7. Dilapidat, ed baildine. ^OtlapidateJ builQink" means, cxclusivcly. a <br />2.IS buildin <br />2 ie (1) that was inspected by the 'tppropriate local eovemmen[ and cited f or one of more <br />23n buildin, coda violations at Icast 12 months before the condemnation is eommcneed~ <br />''=t ? in which the building code viohlione cited have not been remedied as <br />z.z? decennined~_a[ ]cast unc rcinsnection that fiudt noncompliance after the due date Fgr <br />223 compliance with al) order to correct a buildin£ code violation' and <br /> (3) that, as of the dale the condemnation is commenctd, is unfit for human use <br />'~ bacuusc it is unsafe eg'uentrally unsound, or lacking. in basic equipment. <br />zaa Subd. R. F,nvitronmenlally contaminated area Environmcnfally contaminated <br />7.27 area means an area <br />2.2b' {1) that contains un or below more lhtm 5U percent of its surface arcs any suhu~llct, <br />1.zo ur substances delined re ul'I(cQ~or listed as a hazardous substance. hazardous material. <br />z.'~o hazardous waste toxic waste pollut'Int cgnl'tmin~ml or toxic substance, or idcntiGed as <br />2.3 i hazardous to human heal(hpr the environment under stale or federal law or rc ulalion, and <br />~...- <br />for which the a>sts of inveslieuliun. monitarina and testing. and remcdi~l -cation <br />z.3'. qr removal. as dclincd in seaion t 150.02, subdivisions 16 and 17 respectively includin <br />z,~a anv slate cysts of remcilial notions. exceed I qU percent of the assessor's estimated market <br />2 ?? value for rho conuuninatcd arcs, as tie[errnincd under scaion 273.11, for DroperlV lazes <br />^-.?t~ puvnblo iu the year in which the. cuntlumnatiun cnmmcncrtl <br />Sec. ?. <br />