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FEE-89-2(496 17 41 LERGUE OF MN CITIES <br />6512811299 P.95 <br />02/ON/OG 00:03 PM IIOUSE RESI'sAkCH 1MB DDtIG <br />4I the. last written ol7br of com ensation made h the condcmnin aulhorit riot to the <br />^' filing oC the petition. the coup >hall aware[ the owner reasonable attorney feca litigation <br />a.s expenses 'toursic•ll Fees, other exncrls lees and odder related costs in addition to other <br />^ ^ compensation and lee; authoriicd, by this section. <br />^ 5 b In anY cafe where the court defernlines that u ]akin is Ilul f <br />or a ublic or <br />a.e is onL•twFOL the court shttll awaf<I the nwnor reasonable auomey Cccs and other rclased <br />+ ~ cx lenses fees and costs in addition to other comncnsation and fees authorised by this <br />;s .iuciioll. <br />a.v Sec. 5. Minnesota Smtules 2004, section 117.075, subdivision I, is amended to read: <br />^.lo Subdivision 1. Hearing on Irking; evidentiary standard. ~Upun proof being <br />a. i ~ filed of the .cervicc of such notice, the taut], at the time and place therein lixcd or to which <br />^. i ~ the hea, illg may be adjourned, shall hour :Ill competent evidence offered for ur aoains[ the <br />a.~ ~ granting of the pc[itiun, regulating the order of proof us it may deem best, <br />a.lq h 11• the [akin' is Cor the miti +ation of a hli hted area rwnedialion of an <br /> environmental] connminated area, rcduciu abandoned ro er or rcmovin a <br /> public nuisance then notwithstanding vlv other m•ovisiun of eneral or snec{a1 law, a <br />a.i~ cundemnin> euthori must show h clear and conviucin evidence to the disu•ict cow-[ <br />^.is chat the [nkin>; is necessary and for the tlesienated oublie use. <br /> c Ip arty apDea] of [he district courts dctcrmilld[ion of whether the takill <br />a.zo tioccssat'v end Cor a oublie ace the court of appeals must review the district couru <br /> determination of facts and law de nova <br />~..~z Sea 6. 117,186] COMPFNSAI'ION FOR LO55 OF GOING CONCERN. <br />a.zy Subdivision 1. Compensation far loss of oin conrern. If a business or trade is <br />^.2a destroyed by a mkine the owner shall he com lensated for loss of oin concern unless the <br />a.zS condemnirn+ authorit ~ establishes any of the lbllowine bV clear and convincing evidence, <br />a.zn ~thc js not caused h the tukin^ n1• the co ert or the in ur to the retnaindcr• <br />a,z7 (2) the loss eau be reasonably ^rev~ <br />._ ntcd by rclotatine the business nr tr•lde in the <br />"~'-* same or a Simi tar and reasonnhl suitable location xs the ro crI that was taken of b <br />a"/ utkin_ sle ~ and ado tin + >roccdures [hut a rcasonabl rude]]] rrson of a similar a e <br />'i sn and Under similar conditions as the owner, would take and ado l in reservin the oin <br />a.3i concern of the business or trade or <br />^~!= ~comnensation ftn• tltc_loss of going cpncem will he duolicaled in the <br />a.?3 conlpeusation otherwise awarded to the uwncr. <br />Src G. <br />