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<br />
<br />Meeting of Elk River Recreation Beard
<br />Held at the Elk River City Hall Conference Reom
<br />May :~~, .1.9U9
<br />
<br />Members Present:
<br />
<br />Mike O'Brien; Chair, Dave Anderson, Todd Mixer,
<br />c:: I E~ t.. E' L oj, I:) E? t. ~::; k 'y', f) .::~ ". b 1\10 I'" t:. h V..r ;::r.',/!, [I y I" 0 n
<br />Houghtelin, Rolfe Anderson
<br />
<br />.1.) Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
<br />
<br />2) Consideration 01 5-3-89 Recreation Board Agenda.
<br />Agenda accepted as written.
<br />
<br />~) Consideration of 4-5-89 Recreation Board Minutes.
<br />Board minutes approved and passed unanimously.
<br />
<br />4) Rolland Ring-Jarvi and Mike Nizilek met with Board to discuss
<br />t h F.? i t- pia n s 'f 0 "" thE' .1 <:;> D <:;> "'" 9 0 c: I'" 0 ,,:; <::. ."" C CH"W, t I'" \' ,,:. k i ':':. E' i:'l ~::;. ::n'''1 " :::) OIiH:".'
<br />additional trails are being proposed, one of which would be
<br />partially located on private property. A determin3tion of
<br />the applicability of the city'_ insurance and costs will
<br />dictate how course development will progress. Phil Hals will
<br />c: hE! C k V'J i t I"', ,,:l P P"" 0 P I'" :i. a t (:.? ci t: ",i r::: t i::, t 'f t... (,:,2 CJ i:', r" c:I .t, 1'''; q .i 1"., ::;:. U r" i:'\ I "I c: (,,'
<br />qU1,,?S t i on . "r I"H'? bOd I'''d p>: plrf?":;~':;E.~d El d E,,!r;~ iI'''€'': f C'I'" t. hE' C I'" .:i':;<::...."c CHJI"i t I'''''y'
<br />organizers, t.he golf course board and snowmobile club to meet
<br />and plan futun:? t.I''',,~i 1 E~nd f?ql..l.ipflH?I"lt nE'f:O'ds.
<br />
<br />. ~)) ThE! Open 1"1ikE" ,,:;C?c:::.s;,ion V'.l":i,,:;. c:\ddl'''eS:.I";(.:~d by Fr.'lLd Bcd 1, '..li:H"'f."~:::,sa
<br />S p.:i "" k an d GV'J(?n !::;m it h H :i. t h t: hf?.i l'" c: on C f? ""1'1 E\ bou t. c> ).; c F~';~" i \/(? 1. 1. (] h t.
<br />and noise from the softball lights at the complex. The
<br />residents indicat.ed they Hould like the lights off by .10:00
<br />p.m. and t,hi:':\t ac:t:.i.vit.y not. ~:;tC'\r"t b(.~'t'or"e EJ:OO i:':,..m.. (.')1"',
<br />weekends. It was noted that. fixt.ures could be addEd to
<br />I"'f.'!d ue E.:- t hc~ s:. pill 1 ilJ h t. .. DE" Frco'n din {;:.I err', tl''',c' !:;; ''/',;;. t. E'm i r I ~". ti:':i 11 F'e:!
<br />th(? CO~'5t \.>.Iould be ~iF.JO.OO Dr" '*iJ,,::~;U.OO pE~I'" 'fi;.;tUIr'f.?" ""hf2!'''E? ,::\I'-'t~
<br />a total of .104 fixtures so the cost would be substantial.
<br />Board member Clete Lipetsky made a mot.ion t.hat the lights be
<br />turned off at 10:30 p.m. and that. the first lJame be moved up
<br />to start at 6:00 p.m. The motion died for lack of a second.
<br />Board member Barb Northway madE" a motion that the softball
<br />league adopt a no grace period rule, .10:30 p.m. lights off
<br />be adhered to by the league and that the league would not
<br />schedule any 9:30 p.m. games starting in 1990. Motion
<br />seconded by Todd Mixer. Motion passed 7-0. Chairman Mike
<br />O'Brien made a motion that an automatic timer be set to
<br />shut the lights off at 10:30 p"m. and that no games be
<br />scheduled before D:OO B.m" on weekends. The motion was
<br />seconded by Clete Lipetsky. Motion passed 5-1 with one
<br />abstention. The residents addressing Open Mike expressed
<br />their appreciation for t.he compromise arrived at by the
<br />BDard.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />.1.
<br />