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ERMU Board Self -Evaluation Questions — 2023 <br />Organizational Purpose: The Authority and Purpose Policies category in ERMU's Commission <br />Governance Policies provides clearly defined guidelines and direction for decisions and planning. <br />When making decisions on immediate action items and when planning for future needs the <br />commission's decisions consistently align with the organizational purpose, mission, vision, and <br />values. <br />2. Commission Purpose: As adopted in Commission Policy G.2 Commission Purpose and consistent <br />with policy G.4e Core Customer Services, the commission's principal purpose is to ensure that <br />the organization achieves the desired results for the intended beneficiaries at acceptable costs <br />through acceptable means. In other words, the commission achieves the right things for the <br />right people at the right costs in the right way. The commission has consistently demonstrated <br />compliance with this policy through governance and oversight. <br />3. Relationship with the City: Although governed autonomously from the City of Elk River, ERMU is <br />part of the city government. The commission and council have aligned responsibilities to serve <br />the community. The commission has demonstrated alignment with the council in ways that <br />realized opportunities for greater value while maintaining their fiduciary responsibilities to <br />ERMU customers through both action and support consistent with Commission Governance <br />Policy G.2o Commission — City Council Relationship and Roles. <br />4. Preparedness: Consistent with policy G.2b Governing Style, Commission members devote <br />appropriate attention, time, and energy to governing effectively by taking advantage of <br />opportunities for continuing education, development, and industry networking; and, <br />commission members are present and engaged during official meetings prepared to perform <br />their assigned duties, participate in discussion, and make decisions in a manner consistent with <br />policy G.2e Commission Member Conduct. <br />5. Ethics: Commissioners demonstrate behavior consistent with ERMU's standards of high ethical <br />conduct and governing style as adopted in the Commission Governance Policies including <br />policies G.2b Governing Style and G.2e Commission Member Conduct. <br />6. Process: Official meetings are conducted professionally consistent with Robert's Rules of Order, - <br />and, commission members' demonstrated behavior is consistent with the defined officer roles <br />and responsibilities adopted in policy G.2f Commission Officer Roles, Responsibilities and <br />Succession. <br />7. One Voice: It is the responsibility of the commission to engage in discussion to fully explore <br />topics to make the best decisions possible with the information available at the time. Even if the <br />commission does not have consensus, it is the responsibility of the commission to support the <br />m <br />