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4r,;.Z, <br />Elk Riv <br />Municipal Utilities UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />ERMU Commission <br />Tony Mauren — Governance & Communications Manager <br />MEETING DATE: <br />AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />February 13, 2024 <br />4.3 <br />SUBJECT: <br />Commissioner Evaluation Questions Update <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />Adopt updated commissioner evaluation questions <br />BACKGROUND: <br />During the review of the Annual Commission Performance Self -Evaluation results at the July 11, <br />2023, meeting, the Commission had consensus to adapt this annual Governance Agenda item. <br />One requested change was to reduce the number of questions, in order to support another <br />request for respondents to focus on providing more detailed written comments that offer <br />better context for the scores. The Commission also requested that ERMU management staff <br />participate in the evaluation of their performance. <br />Staff reviewed the original survey (attached for reference) and worked to focus the questions <br />with minimal loss to the breadth of topics. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />As shown in the second attachment, staff found it important to combine similar topics in the <br />first two questions, while the new questions three through seven are largely <br />rewritten/abridged versions of original questions. The open questions at the end were reduced <br />from four to three and broadened to offer respondents the opportunity to share additional <br />thoughts. <br />Staff also removed questions it felt were unnecessary or redundant. Question 6 from 2023 <br />referencing Robert's Rules of Order was removed following commission feedback that there <br />was comfort in the body's collective knowledge of the topic. Question 10 about the general <br />manager's performance was removed as evaluating that position is an entire and separate <br />Governance Agenda item. Staff felt question 11 focusing on the Commission's consideration for <br />customers is already a key element of organizational purpose in question 1. Question 12, which <br />addresses the Commission's consideration for ERMU's employees, was removed as staff felt it <br />conflicted with the body's One Employee policy, which establishes the general manager as its <br />singular personnel responsibility. <br />Page 1of2 <br />99 <br />