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03-06-1972 VCM
City Government
City Council
Council Minutes
Village Council 1919-1973
03-06-1972 VCM
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<br />~ <br /> <br />}{arch 6, 1972 <br /> <br /> <br />The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Elk River Village Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Bartelt, on l1arch 6, 1972 at 7:30 pm. in the Council Room of the Village Office Bldg. <br />Meobers were present as follows: Mayor Bartelt, Councilman Hudson, Otto and Syring. <br />illage "'\ttorney John HacGibbon in attendance. <br /> <br />The minutes of the February 28, 1972 regulEr oeeting were read. There were no addition or <br />correction and the minutes were approved as read. <br /> <br />Patrolman Charles Swanson requested a varia,nce waiver regarding Village employees residences <br />requirement on his behalf. He also Dsked for a ruling on his six months probationary period <br />for which he has completed. <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Hudson and seconded by C01mcilman Otto that Patrolman Charles Swanson <br />has satisfactory completed his six months ::robatiomiry period of employment and further <br />grant a residence variance vraiver to his present address at Zimmerman. <br />Motion unaminously carried. <br /> <br />After discussion by the Council it was agreed tha,t all future recuest for variances <br />regarding residences requirements of Village employee would be considered on an individual <br />bases. <br /> <br />The Council discussed the future needs of the Industrial Park Area regarding sewer and <br />water construction. <br /> <br />Dan Bailey representing the Planning Commission meet with the Council regarding Zoning <br />ordinance change on Mobile Home Park requirements he stated that the Commission would <br />have to call for the hea,ring and then make its recommendation to the Council before the <br />Council could take action. <br /> <br /> <br />'he Council went on record to uphold its decision made at the February 7th regular raeeting <br />egarding Chief of Folice Bob Olson part-time job. <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Otto and seconded by Councilman Syring to increase the Police Department <br />Clothing Allowance to ~;75.00 per year. IV~otion unaminously carried. <br /> <br />Mr. MacLean representing Mii meet ..rith the Council and Bill Patenude of the Utili ties and <br />presented a review of the Village present coverage on it employees group insurance. It <br />was requested that Mii submit a bid proposal up dating the Villages present coverage plan <br />to meet with todays costs as to what 1'Iii feels would be most benefical to all concerned. <br /> <br />Cliff Lundberg meet with the Council on behalf Alfred Brown Jr. requesting the Council to <br />call for a Public Hearing for the purpose of vaction of land dedicated to streets. <br /> <br />Moved by Councilman Hudson and seconded by Councilman Syring to call for a public hearing <br />for the purpose of vacation of land dedicated to streets and the Clerk-Treasureris <br />authorized and directed to give notice of such hearing to be held at 8:00 pm. on Honday <br />the 3rd day of April 1972 in the Village Council Chambers. A copy of the resolution is <br />attached. Motion unaminously carried. <br /> <br />f10ved by CounciL~n Syring and seconded by Councilman Otto to accept the resignation of <br />the unexpired terms of Mrs. Marohn and Mrs. Nancy Gongoll of the Library Board and to <br />appoint Mr. Gene Schuldt and Gloria Bailey to fill the unexpired terms. <br />Hotion unaminously carried. <br /> <br /> <br />liff Lundberg presented various village and city building complex floor plans for the <br />ouncils review. <br /> <br />The r.ihrary Boarct$ recuest for floor space in the old fire barn was referred to the Utilities <br />for their approval. The Council is agreeable with whatever decision is attained. <br />
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